About Me
Masters Degree in Information Systems Modelling and Decision-makingHigher Institute of Management TunisSpecialties: Applied Informatics and Mathematics, Information Systems, Optimization, Data WarehouseManagement, Business Intelligence, Supply chain,...
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Portfolio Projects
Six new improvement for the NEH heuristic considered the best heuristic for the flow shop problem for about 25 years.
Some of these heuritics are based on a new learning phase .
The technologies used are the C langage to develop the heuristics, excel to visualise the completion time of scheduled job on a set of machines and LaTex to write the rapport
Technologies: C, Latex, Scheduling, combinatorial optimization, heuristics
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Data analysts have to check the work of web crawlers by verifying number of ads and their content. In autobiz SA, we have a huge number of websites to crawl. Suppose that all the data analyst work in this step is manually then it will be surely a large loss of time. This is why, we worked in the company on a tool that automate the part of counting ads with notification by mails to the analysts.
Technologies: python, bash, selenium, docker, cron
An app that manages reviews crawled from diverse sources (e.g: Google, Facebook, TripAdvisor, BBB, yelp) for companies in USA. I contributed in some back-end functionalities, web crawl and data science.
Technologies: python, scrapy, selenium, data science, natural language processing, NLTK, flask, slim
Crawling many hard websites from The famous SeLoger company, bon coin and carsguide. My role was to:
- Configure complicated settings and middlewares to crawl multiple websites for databiz company.
- Developing algorithms and bots in python programming language.
- Deal with bots using some intelligent techniques and several heuristics such as he quadtree technique based on longitude latitude google maps for the data extraction of a worldwide websites.
- Automating the work process.
technologies: python, scrapy, pandas, proxies, shell scripting, cron
The Tunisian Institute for Competitiveness and Quantitative Studies, under the supervision of the Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation, has set up this portal which presents a dashboard of the competitiveness of the Tunisian economy offering to investors and decision-makers a real decision-making tool.
My role was to crawl different index and kpi with dynamic crawls to be constantly up-to-date with countries ranking and index values updates. Also I have made contribution in the web development with php, ajax and october cms functionalities.
Technologies: python, selenium, pandas, saop api, OCR Tesseract, php, ajax
Crawling currency from about 18 sources in an OOP selenium project.
The currency banking pages have some similarities and the great number of sources was a real challenge. To facilitate updates and readability, I used the OOP concept to deal with the webdriver as an instance. Also, I used many python tricks to avoid redundancy and optimize code.
The output was a pretty flask API.
Technologies: python, selenium, flask
A Website Change Detection & Monitoring app to detect and notify developers and web crawlers of possible modification in the websites that we crawl and make some predictions. I worked in this project as a supervisor for Mr. Iheb Kilani in his final studies projects. My role was to give him ML, crawling and API instructions and supervise his work.
Technologies: python, machine learning, classification problems, web crawling