About Me
- Hands-on experience with C++ (v11/v14/v17), Python 3.x, Core Java, Java MVC frameworks such as Spring Boot, JBOSS AS 7.0/WildFy 10
- Architected and developed various distributed and fault tolerant products from concept to productio...
- Developed, integrated and hosted WebRTC based video/audio conferencing platforms such as Jitsi Meet, Jitsi SFU videobridge, Jibri recording and Janus WebRTC
- Hands-on experience with open source FreeSWITCH and ASR platform in cloud environment supporting medical transcription
- Hands-on experience with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence models, specifically dealing with image and text processing in medicine and healthcare related applications using prominent CNN and NLP models
- AWS infrastructure management, security and SaaS based distributed application development: AWS EC2, ELB, IAM, Route53, S3 buckets, CloudFront, DynamoDB, Lambda functions, and Transcribe/Medical Transcribe
- Hands-on experience on integration of BLE based medical devices with WebRTC data channels and patient EMR/EHR platforms
- Hands-on craft of building a highly reliable, committed and multi-cultural engineering teams that can deliver consistently high quality product deliverables in an agile SDLC environment
- Design and development of building blocks of cloud based Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT applications using Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno
- Strong hands-on experience with networking and telecom protocols: TCP, UDP, SS7/SIGTRAN, SIP, GTPv2-C, GTPv1-U, Diameter (s6a, Gx), RTP, XMPP, H.264 and SNMPv2/v3
- Operating System platforms used: CentOS, Debian, iOS and HP UX
- Software Configuration Management and versioning tools: GIT, BitBucket
- Working knowledge of some of the web technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, React Native JS framework, Kafka distributed messaging system, and UI/UX design
Portfolio Projects
As a part of consultation, Led the new software features development for real-time PCR/quantitative PCR instrument used for DNA detection and quantifications. The technology stack is based on Angular JS front-end and Ruby on Rails/Real-ime C++ instrument control/Julia bioinformatics library/MariaDB.
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Architected and developed an online doctors consultation platform for appointment scheduler application using open source WebRTC based Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Video bridge engine and Freeswitch. The open source XMPP and SIP protocols are used for signaling and managing users collaborating on Jitsi Meet conference rooms and VoIP based calls. The video platform is connected with a React based patient Electronic Record system (EMR) which helps doctors to document the patient diagnosis and prescribe medicines, radiological diagnostic tests and pathological tests after the video consultation with the patient. Architected and developed this patient EMR system by working with a team of full stack developers and it's currently hosted on AWS EC2 instances and is being used by a team of doctors across MiddleEast and India
• Programming Languages: Javascript, React/React Native/Redux, Java 8
• Open source framework: Jitsi Meet, Jitsi video bridge, Prosody XMPP servers, Jigasi SIP server, Jibri recording/broadcasting server, and Freeswitch
• Operating System: Debian Stretch, Ubuntu 18.04/20.04
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Leading a design and development of innovative solutions for geolocation mobile core network entities, GMLC and SMLC in 3G/UMTS/LTE environment. The geolocation platform coordinates with other Lawful intercept applications in intercepting mobile sub-scribers’ control and user data traffic including WebRTC, VoIP and VoLTE traffic in 3G/ UMTS/LTE Core network.
Key Accomplishments:
• Currently managing and mentoring a team of 6 Engineers and working closely with executive management team and customers in formulating product roadmap, Sprint activities in agile SDLC environment
• Spearheaded and developed Geolocation based mobile network core network ap-plications that saved the company over $1M
• Coordinated with management and product architecture teams in architecting and designing the prototype for the innovative Lawful Intercept (LI) solutions, Micro-services and RESTful APIs successfully
• Played a key role in authoring and filing a US patent for the work on invention and led a team of engineers in building a field trial system for the invented LI so-lution
• Instrumental in driving the US patented product from concept to release in an Ag-ile software development environment
• Coordinated initial field trials for the LI solution with potential customers
• Aligned a new revenue stream for the company by devising new PoC and produc-tion ready LI solutions
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On a part-time basis, worked on the development and integration of patient EMR systems and wireless radio/bluetooth based medical devices with Telehealth365 video conferencing platform using Mirth Connect interfaces. The multiparty video conference system involves the development of customized features on Jitsi-Meet cross-platform clients and Jitsi Videobridge. As a part of customized features, focused on building AI based scalable web portal for healthcare community. This web portal uses technologies such as JQuery/HTML/CSS, REST APIs/JSON data exchange, SpringBoot framework and Neo4J Graphical DB on the backend which are running in cloud environment. Led a team of 8 Engineers and driving web client and backend services architecture, design and implementation in an Agile software development team settings.
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Led distributed voice server application development efforts for Cisco Unified Communications Manager/Call control platform and IP based open source FreeSWITCH multi-protocol soft-switch.
Key accomplishments:
▪ Quickly acquired necessary knowledge to lead the system integration and application development efforts with Cisco RTP library and its media driver
▪ Demonstrated a Proof of Concept (PoC) for voice server application integrating embed-ded FreeSWITCH with Cisco IP PBX over a SIP trunk
▪ Spearheaded a system architecture and development of web services components and JNI interfaces for telephony integrations with Cisco Call Manager and Simulated PBX envi-ronment
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Led feature development and system integration of ultra portable diagnostics X-Ray system. The system and control applications are written in C++ and are running on OpenSUSE Linux plat-form.
Key accomplishments:
▪ Quickly acquired necessary knowledge to lead the Proof of Concept and system integra-tion efforts
▪ Recognized as a key member of software development team within a short period of time
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Spearheaded the design and development efforts of a Linux and VxWorks based Signaling server components in video gateway product line. Some of the capabilities include the design of an effi-cient and modular SNMP framework for managing redundant Signaling Server and the call pro-cessing based on BICC (Bearer Independent Call Control) signaling stack for IP network connec-tivity. Most of the software for gateway platform is written in C and C++ on Linux and VxWorks RTOS environment.
Key accomplishments:
▪ Key contributor to a successful integration of video gateway in service provider’s net-work
▪ Instrumental in wining a major order from Asia Pacific region for video gateway by quickly resolving critical integration issues and implementing feature requests
▪ Designed call processing modules and ported Signaling and Ring Back Tone (RBT) modules from SUN Solaris 9 to Red hat Linux ES4.0 in an effort to provide the cost-ef-fective solutions to service providers
▪ Improved the performance of media call processing applications and the subscriber data- base by designing and implementing C++ plug-in modules using design pattern models
▪ Collaborated with a team of engineers at one of the large North American service provider and successfully integrated the ISDN PRI based RBT service in their network
▪ Implemented a test tool and many user-level APIs for accessing the features of video transcoder platform with transcoding capabilities of H263 and MPEG-4
▪ Designed and developed interfaces, management functions and private SNMP MIBs for Network Elements and EMS such as configuration, monitoring, logging and alarms
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