About Me
I have served as Team Leader /Manager with 15+ years of experience in system analysis, design, development and deploying business solutions for aviation, insurance, manufacturing, and banking domain. 4+ years of demonstrated experience in design and ...
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Portfolio Projects
- The system helps the organization in improving the message. It collects the messages received in the PIE (Product Information Exchange) and process and segregates these based on type of message, execution place of messages, failure reason, airline, user/ vendor / partner / agent details etc. Based on the suggestions provided the user / vendor / partner / agent etc. acts on new messages before sending it to the PIE.
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The client-database is a repository of the clients and their account details. In Morgan Stanley, many applications are run and store the data independently. Some data are in scanned format, some in text file and some in database. These make high cost (in form of money, resource and time) of maintenance of data. To down the maintenance cost, all the data will be captured using UI and ETL tool into the client database and then reporting will be done from this repository.
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The State of the World Database (SOW DB) is a repository of research data and a component of the Risk System Architecture. It will store market time series data representing the state of world as of any given date. It will include only factual market-sourced data and explicitly exclude data representing Westerns views/opinions. An input to the Risk System, SOW DB will provide risk factor history used to construct variance/covariance matrices for improved understanding of correlations between factors and assets and as input to valuation algorithms for historical simulations.
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Many applications were integrated to process issuance of policies to customer. These systems are1) Ingenium: This is used to issue the policy.2) My money My agent: This system is used to collect the premium from the customer. This is also used to distribute commission and bonus to agent.3) Myflow: This system works as repository to store all the documents provided by customers.From this system, we prepare different reports and send it to the business user. These reports includeAgent commission tracking and analysis of the historical data for the sameAnalysis of customer payment historyAnalysis of Policy Lapsation/ Not Taken historyCalculation and projection of premium of coming monthsCalculation of the due casesProviding data for customer callingUNIT Linked plans (calculations of fund value, surrender value, surrender charge, customer to pay, paid to date calculations etc.Indexation plans (In these plans the ATP (Annual Target Premium) increases by 5% each year. Because of this nature the calculation of Customer to Pay and the Paid To Date becomes very complex).
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This utility generates the policy and non-policy documents and uploads those documents to the MyFlow system for future use. It also copies the documents on printing server where documents are printed out and are dispatched to the customers and partners. For this different procedures and functions are prepared to automate the system.
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GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a web and windows service-based project. This is an online loan booking system through mobile. Loan agent uses this system to book the loan using mobile. In agents mobile a third control chip is added to send the sms. After doing all the validation, an xml file is generated with all details of the customers, which then processed by the windows service and the data are inserted into the database. In this, the express loan is provided to the customer.
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The product is used to automate whole system of a manufacturing enterprise. In Met Trade India Pvt. Ltd., there are many products are manufactured like lead alloy, grey oxide, red lead, aluminum etc. The software is used to automate all the processes that are used in export and import of materials, from gate entry to gate pass. To smooth process, the product was divided into many modules for specific process. These modules are Admin, Gate, Physical Verification, Quality Check, Store, Purchase, Import, Logistics, Marketing and Production. I was involved in the development and maintenance of these modules.
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