About Me
Software Engineer with around 4 years of experience in Python. Strong knowledge in Object oriented programming. Good experience in Django Framework, Flask. Having good experience in the database PostgreSQL. Knowledge and experience in GitHub/Git vers...
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Portfolio Projects
EarthDaily Analytics
EarthDaily Agro uses satellite imaging to provide advanced analytics to mitigate risk and increase efficiencies – leading to more sustainable outcomes for the organizations involved in geospatial operations.
• Involved coding in Python, Aws (rds,lambda,Ec2, S3, RestAPI)
• Database management and PostgreSQL connectivity
• Geometry Data Processing using PostGIS
• Generating Satellite Image from boundary geoJson using python libraries (GDAL, OSR, NumPY, geopandas, contextily, matplotlib)
• writing the business logic for retrieval and storage of information.
• Defect analysis on the application and quick clearance on the defects.
• testing API Using Postman
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HMS Lamjingba is a hospital management project, where admin have authority over everything and creating users like receptionist , doctor, nurse , laboratorist and give permissions to their perspective dashboard to create patients and post their data and where doctors can view their symptoms even before contacting them and he can suggest laboratorist to perform lab tests.
Designed and developed Database model for storing and updating data.
Created serializers for Json data using Django rest framework.
Developed class based and function based API views
Worked on Http requests and response
Deployed the project in AWS using EC2.
Webhosted using Nginx
Good experience in using Django Orm And Python Orm
pandas for create data frame and matplatlib , NumPy
testing API Using Postman
ROLE: Django Application Developer
Client: Auritics Pvt Ltd
Worked on Portal Auretics as a Django Application Developer Auretics is India’s largest online retail platform that has a wide network of direct selling partners. Envisioning delivering a rewarding and sustainable system with its 100% Natural, Made-In-India high quality product range.
Developing Backend API's.
Experience in working with Python ORM Libraries. Managed large datasets using Panda data frames and PostgreSQL.
Implemented code in python to retrieve and manipulating data.
Experience in Python using new tools and technical developments (libraries used: libraries- NumPy, matplotlib, Panda’s data frame, PostgreSQL and MySQL dB for database connectivity). Built various graphs for business decision making using Python matplotlib library.
Validation checks for the application.
Deploy project in AWS EC2 instance.
Webhosted using Nginx.
Testing API using Postman.
Royalty Exchange Inc
Worked on Royalty Exchange Inc Django Application Royalty Exchange is an American Company that operates online platform for Buying and Selling royalty Assets Mostly music.
Developing Backend API's.
Collaborate with team to brainstorm and understanding the requirements, analyzing the design and implementation.
Experience in working with Python ORM Libraries including Django ORM. Managedlarge datasets using Panda data frames andPostgreSQL.
Having experience in Bug Fixing, Agile Methodologies Scrum and sprints experience.
Implemented code in python to retrieve and manipulating data.
Experience in Python using new tools and technical developments (libraries used: libraries- NumPy, matplotlib, Pandas dataframe, PostgreSQL and MySQL dB for database connectivity). Built various graphs for business decision making using Python matplotlib library.
Validation checks for the application.
Deploy project in AWS EC2 instance, Reporting configuration and deployment.
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M&R provides doing on automation collecting data from REST API using request package in python then we process the data based on the client specifications then presenting process data based on the client specification to the external files like pandas CSV, Excel sheet. Creating entirely new functionality called auction services, for selling and buying assets. Created APIs for different functionalities for buying and selling royalty assets. Experience in design and development, testing and implementation the various stand-alone and client server architecture-based enterprise application software using Python/Django. Pandas mainly well situated and NumPy also high-performance multidimensional array objects and those with arrays. Technology :Python, PostgreSQL, GitHub, Django, Pandas, Restapi, AWS EC2 Worked on Pandas and NumPy library to perform to perform multiple data operations like data comparison, merging. and joining. Worked on to create the templates for notifications and user action. Worked with software development and testing team member to design and developed robust solution to meet a client requirements for functionality and scalability and performance. Collaborate with the clients to define the solution requirements.
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