About Me
My Short-term goal is to get a job in a reputed Company in which I can grow My Working Skills and get more Knowledgewhich helps me future My long-term goal is to become a more responsible and Knowledgeable Personality and achieve agood Position...
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Portfolio Projects
The problem is People were not wearing helmets while bikeriding. After Govt ordered that it is mandatory to wearhelmets Still so many people are ignoring it. This is aproblem.I think it needs a Solution Because By Wearing a helmet weare not only saving our families who are dependent on usthey are also becoming safeThis was our dream project which we started in college andended with the last sem as a main projectBy implementing these smart helmet projects we canreduce the risk of deaths on roads by accidents. And savethe life
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This project is to make a Robot that will be helpful toMankindThis Robot will collect data from a remote place and able tosend those data to a remote IoT CloudWe can control the movement of the Robot by sendinginstructions via Bluetooth from our Android phoneThe Robot will receive the instruction via the HC-05Bluetooth module and process data with the Arduinomicrocontroller
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