About Me
Technically accomplished professional with about 4 years of rich cross functional experience with expertise on Java and JavaScript frameworks...
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Portfolio Projects
SNCU project is the joint venture of UNICEF and MinistryOf India to protect New Born Babies and their Mothers by providing timely medical help in urban and remote areas. Multiple SNCU units are established in a District. SNCU Units are connected with this web application to central database. Application keeps following records 1. Admission of Month and New Born Babies. 2. Delivered and Discharge babies 3. After discharge Baby follow-ups SNCU is running for 233 districts in 7 states of India. It is expected to installed on other Ashiancontries.
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TIMS is the enterprise web application Telecom infra provider (GTL), Telecom Operater (Airtel, Vodaphon etc.) andOperation and Management (O&M) agencies to provide online real-time status of Telecom Tower (Sites). Many Hardware are installed at Tower run it24 hour and 7 days in a week. This hardware inventory contain AMFPanels,AC,DieselGenerater,Battery Banks etc. These item are connected with server with help of a Model over GPRS connectivity. Every minutes their status is send to server in string formate. At server packet Gateway parse this string and push real-time hardware status into database. On basis of these data TIMS application generate alarms, Comparative and Analytical report. This application helps GTL to centrllycontroletheirthousand of sites from central location.
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