About Me
Around 6.5 years of experience in Full Stack Web Development. Played active role in requirement analysis, design, and development of components which involves changes from front end to backend. Have working experience in React JS,Redux,Node JS. Good ...
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Portfolio Projects
- GWYN v2 a singles page application dedicated to inhouse operations which includes several automated components to serve end users at tyson manufacturing plant.
- Worked on developing various modules in GWYN Gui.
- Developed user interface by using the React JS, Flux for SPA development.
- Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application.
- Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions using redux.
- Component for UX-Library consisted of Button, Checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button, Dropdown,Multi- Level Dropdown and many more.
- In Phase Two, worked closely with the Back-End team to display data using the Custom Components, library Components, and Redux.
- Worked with Express.js for development of RESTful web services and middleware configurations.
- Worked with Passport and JSON web tokens for authentication and authorization security configurations using Node JS.
- Called the Restful web services calls for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods.
- Hands on experience on developing Front end architecture using React,Redux in node powered work flow.
- Performed the System Testing, Regression Testing for Complete UI after fixing the Issues whichare reported by Testing Team.
- Created ChatBot for the end users to get automated responses for their inputs using Node .
- Applied optimization techniques to reduce page size and load times to enhance user experience using sprites.
- Worked on creating custom domain implementing mTLS authentication to secure B2B communications.
- Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.
- Through this application the third party associative (TPA) (which is a mediator between clients and AIG to claim the insurance policies) can interact to AIG and claim the policies and can view all processed claims and drafts information.
- Created components using react.js and also created documentation for components.
- Worked extensively on Asynchronous programming using promises and Asyn await.
- Implemented design wire frames to structured code. Used the latest approaches including MVC in the browser, event - driven applications usingAJAX, JavaScript, JSON.Worked on Redux forms and form validations.
- Usage of JSON for faster and impulsive responses.
- Worked on Redux Middleware.
- Worked on OS,File system ,HTTP modules in Node Js.
- Extensively worked on Node JS for module imports and exports.
- Worked on Express middlewares for Routing Protocols
- Provide weekly live demo on the status of the development activity. Involved in the defect fixing and performance improving and Build Activities.
- It basically a product through which a business firm can get a detailed analysis about sales and can suggest the changes need to be done to increaseprofits.
- This involves making a platform where user and database team can interact and get the required reports from the given data. This also involved in controlling different systems by one platform.
- Worked on developing different modules from front end to backend.
- Developing webpages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and JSON. Worked on website performance optimization's
- Used various bootstrap components like accordion,carousal, date picker, time picker, alert, buttons, modal etc.
- Worked on automation for support activities.
- Involved in the defect fixing and performance improving and Build Activities.
- Worked on SQL andJava for Backend.Worked on entire P2P workflow.