About Me
Professional Data Science analyst with rich experience in Team Leading and Advisory Consulting roles. Quick to grasp new ideas, develop innovative solutions, and work well independently to meet deadlines....
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Portfolio Projects
1. Worked on data gathering, data cleaning, data modelling,
2. Worked on explorative data analysis
3. Outlier and missing value detection and tratement
4.Data Imbalance
5. Features Selection
6. Building Classification Model
7. Evaluating Accuracy and other metrics
8. Parameter Tuning
9. Finalize the Model5.
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1. Applied the hierarchical clustering and plotted the dendrogram.
2. Identified the 3 cluster- High spending, medium spending and Low spending - with help of dendrogram
3. compared the results with k-means clustering.
4. By making use of this data, company can announce various offers to various segments
5. Appliedhierarchical clustering , Agglomerative Clustering, Kmeans clustering, Python, Pnadas, numpy
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Wrote data pre-processing scripts
- Normalization: is to clean data to obtain better features
- converting all letters to lower or upper case
- removing numbers
- removing punctuations
- removing stop words, sparse terms, and particular / rare words
- spelling correction
- stemming: removal of suffices,
- Lemmatization: converts the word into its root word, rather than just stripping the suffices.
2. Worked on Feature extraction by Tf-idf, CountVectorizer, Singular Vector Decomposition (SVD) and Feature Engineering
3. This is developed using Python, NLP and Machine Learning like Naïve Bays, XGboost.