Rahul M.

Rahul M.

Software Developer

Greater Mohali , India

Experience: 5 Years


Greater Mohali , India

Software Developer

15698.8 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

5 Years

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About Me

A talented, eye of detailing in technicality, conscientious, fast learner offering the ability to assess an organizations needs and create a complementary, robust web presence. With overall 3.5 years of experience in all 5 stages of the web developme...

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Portfolio Projects


A Healthcare Application built for above 3 clients. It involves Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. The application is built in ASP.Net Webforms. We used API’s for normal medical checks.

  • Worked on all stages of application development using VB & C# .Net
  • Worked on modules implementing the business logic in C#.
  • Utilized 2008 SQL Server Management Studio as client tool for database management and administration.
  • Healthcare Management Application, An Electronic Health Record (EHR) tool keeping the record of Patients, their Allergies, Medications, Doctors and all the related data updated in order to provide the best treatment.

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A mobile application which is meant for the individuals to pay for their medical checkups. Its eases the individual’s effort to pay for their checkups as it calculates the amount after deducting from the Health insurance and hence, it keeps a record.

  • Worked on the front end of the app using HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Angular JS &JQuery.
  • Building a responsive web app for mobile with bootstrap
  • Worked on the app basic frontend functions such as total amount calculations using JQuery with their specified formulas.

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A Healthcare Application for the patients to check their health summary. It involves Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. The application is built in ASP.Net MVC. We used Web API’s to find all the Clinic locations nearby the patient. It keeps the patient updated about the medicines, allergies, appointments, doctors and etc.

  • Worked on the User Interface layouts of the web app using HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Angular JS &JQuery.
  • Responsible for full project development life cycle.
  • Worked on Web API integration.
  • Completed all phases of software development life cycle including requirements, design, development, testing, deployment and support
  • Worked with iTextSharp plugin for creating and merging PDF’s

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A Car Management Application for the Dealers and Customers to check their car summary. The application is built in ASP.Net MVC. We used Web API’s to find all the parts used in a vehicle and a solution to fix the parts.

  • A Car Management Project
  • Worked on the application from scratch using Kendo UI as frontend framework and .Net framework for backend functions
  • Used Owin authentication for Web API project;
  • Handled a team of two and was responsible for Data Integration through API’s

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A Restaurant Management. The application is built in Universal Windows Platform. It keeps the management updated about the tables booked and about their orders.

  • Restaurant Management Project built with C# UWP (Universal Windows Platform).
  • Worked on SignalR project in order to sync all the booked tables in a restaurant.
  • Worked on Bill printing design’s using C# math flooring functions.
  • Worked with XAML files for application design and C# for backend logic.

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An Electronic Health Record (EHR) tool keeping the record of Patients, their Allergies, Medications, Doctors and all the related data updated in order to provide the best treatment.

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