About Me
Over 9 years of work experience in development, implementation, maintenance and support of Accounting, Banking and Manufacturing systems. Robust working experience in development of Oracle PL/SQL, ETL( DataStage) and Autosys. Strong working experienc...
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Portfolio Projects
The scope of the project is to manage the sales details of general motors region-wise for each day. The daily generated report which is obtained from the third-party systems is merged with the sales data from the internal reporting systems and cleansed , transformed data is then fed to the database which is then sent to the customers page using webapp application.
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The scope of the project is to manage bank product and bank customer information. The product and customer data from the external system is cleansed, transformed and mapped to the target database. These details from the target database are then used by the banks research applications.
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The scope of the project is to extract the trade details from the external market systems and to settle the trade and send back the settlement confirmations to the external markets. All the trade, stocks, account and settlement details are stored in oracle tables, managed by stored functions, database triggers and Autosys jobs which send the trade messages to external markets.
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Lease Accelerator is a company that provides Enterprise Lease Accounting Software. The software allows companies to Lease resources/materials needed for their firm without having to buy them. We, from the development team help to manage the assets they lease and maintain the data in tables which is used by the Business as Reports from the LA UI.
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Description: Wichita Upgrade provides the business with a stable, customizable, and secure platform for managing the contact center telephony systems and enterprise reporting. To replace all of the aging systems used in the contact center telephony program with a new centralized set of applications and hardware that are hosted out of Ally’s new data centers in Carrollton and San Antonio locations
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The scope of the project is to manage the sales details of general motors region-wise for each day. The daily generated report which is obtained from the third-party systems is merged with the sales data from the internal reporting systems and the data is then fed to the database which is then sent to the customer’s page using webapp application.
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