About Me
An accomplished Java Full Stack Developer is having 8 years of experience in developing Web based Application and Client/Server environment. A proactive, proficient and enriching work experience of Information Technologist with exceptional performanc...
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Portfolio Projects
Qatar Airways IBE (Revenue booking flow) is considered the main revenue generator for the aviation group apart from Travel agents, Meta Search and other marketing partners. The IBE is linked to many internal and external systems/software such as the following (to name a few),
- Common Payment Gateway that integrates many payment methods
- Amadeus PSS GDS with API products
- Online Check-In applications with the DCS
- OTA services for Meta Search partners
- Frequent Flyer Program (redemption booking flow)
- Ancillary products for EMD issuance (Insurance, Lounges, Meet & Greet services, Carbon Offset, Educate a Child, Super Wi-Fi etc….)
- Catering system for Special Meal Codes
- Automatic Ticket Changer
Analytics software such as Box Ever & Omniutre / Adobe Target.
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The Budget and Treasury Management System (BTMS) is an integrated, web-based information management system that will replace the existing budget management, execution, accounting and reporting systems to be used initially by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the Bureau of the Treasury (BTr) under the Department of Finance for budget execution and accountability.
The objective of implementing BTMS is toimprove convenience, efficiency, accuracy and timeliness in fiscal management and reporting through the establishment of a common, integrated system covering budget execution and reporting in the oversight agencies the DBM and the BTr.
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HC-Employment center is based on online services to provide different services like Online Profile Management, Employment News, Instant SMS Job Alerts, Job Fair Information and Coordination, Assisted Job Search, Career Networking and Reference, Career Planning and Job Counseling, Salary Benchmarking Report, Skill Assessment Test & Certification, Psychometrics Tests and Assessment, Interview Preparation - Mock Interviews, Resume Writing, Resume Blast to Companies, Auto Job Matching and Application, Social Media Profile Development, Website Development, Leadership at Work Place, Executive Coaching and Mentoring, Video Profile Management, Voice Profile Management.
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- HCMS is online management tool comprising of four modules Employer, Employee, Freelancer and Consultant.
- Every module is developed in terms of stages where first stage includes Personal Profile Management, second includes Job Profile Management third includes Group Management and the last includes Connections.
- I was responsible to develop Freelancer module, in which Freelancers concrete, manage, and delete their profile account, search for online projects, bid and gain the projects, safe & secured transaction of budget from Client on completion of successful projects.
- High level of confidentiality is maintained to hide personal information from others giving a choice of visibility for selected co-freelancers.
- Information regarding profile, projects and status of bids are maintained efficiently. Individual Freelancer can maintain multiple profiles with reference to skill sets in one Master account.
- They planned to implement mobile version using ICE mobile as a future enhancement.