About Me
I am an ambitious full stack developer with 10+ years of IT experiences. The developer of high-quality software tools for rapid deployment of bug fixes and new features using established development standards. As an expert problem solver, responsive ...
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Portfolio Projects
Web Development sass, html5, redux, react-js. The goal of this project was to modernize and upgrade
the user experience of booking flow and adding a new part of the site where users can explore and
learn about different parts of the world (That would help them to make a choice)
I was building components for those information pages and resolving bugs on booking flow.
Developed and deployed tons of CMS websites based on Python, Django, Wagtail, Docker, Circle
As a Backend developer, I’ve maintained and improved backends for nearly 60 ecommerce websites.
Some of them have been developed from the scratch to distribution. All sites are dockerized and all
of docker containers had to run on one Hosting service.
Therefore, I had to be very good at Docker, Nginx, Gunicorn, Continuous integration/Deployment,
ElasticSearch, Linux management, version management as well as development.
They asked me to build a lot of scrapers for the big ecommerce platforms and many web automation
tools. I developed lots of scrapers/crawlers and web automatic bots by using Python, Selenium web
driver, BeautifulSoup, PhantomJS, Cron service.
And I had to build lots of the robotics process automation tools.