Member Technical Staff

Chennai , India

Experience: 2 Years


Chennai , India

Member Technical Staff

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2 Years

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About Me

A MERN Stack developer specialized in Full Stack Web Application, done numerous projects involving front and back end technologies....

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Portfolio Projects


Description:This app Provides login Facility along with the Users Time Logged In can be exported to Excel Sheet Along with End to End Video Calling The specific user in search Or sharing the socket ID to the registered users


  • Login to your Account
  • Make a Video Call to a user in search
  • Pass The socked Id To call anyone Logged IN
  • Time Logs of Users Logged in With export as Excell Sheet

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Description:The App is called "Memories" and it is a simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives along with Upload of Photos and Like Functionality similar to facebook likes

  • Create Posts along with Photos
  • Upload Photos to Backend
  • Like Functionality
  • Backend features with Update and Delete of Memories
  • Styled with Material-UI

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Description:Fully Functioning AMAZON CLONE Website with Stripe Payment Gateway and Firebase Hoisting

  • Login to your Account
  • Add products to Cart
  • Payment Gateway

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Its Portfolio Built in react js

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Video application To call a user registerd in app Search Oncle logged in Can call the registerd users Responsive Application for all Mobile Screens Call a user by Sharing the ID to another user or Call via Search List Login and Register Functionality Password Encryted, Protected Route once logeed out canot go back to /dashboard Call a user Available from search Time Sheet to store Logged in users in /timelogs Export the time sheet to excel on click of export Hover over the icons to show tool tip All Adequate functionality is Embedded in This App Refer To ScreenShots Pls at screenshots.md file

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