About Me
JavaScript (3 years)Rest APIs (2 years)HTML/CSS (5 years)PHP & MySQL (4 years)Node.js (2 years)React.js (2 years)Git (1 year)TypeScript (1 year)...
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Portfolio Projects
ANORY is an African e-commerce platform based in Ghana. Our main aim is to help customers connect and bond with their African history through the sales of artifacts and items that have indigenous meaning. The items and artifacts we sell symbolises and reflects the untold stories of our African lineage and ancestry.
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We believe that computer science and the tools it powers are essential in today's world. To be prepared to fully embrace the 21st century and be a successful agent of its economy, students must have a clear understanding of the different aspects of computer science.
CSAfrica follows standards to build groundbreaking 3-year curricula designed to equip these forthcoming African leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to become creators of technologies.
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