About Me
• 7+ years of experience in designing, programming and managing modern front-end applications with React, Redux, Vue, Vuex, Nuxt.js, JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, and Node.js.
• Proficient in designing and developing dynamic, interacti...
Portfolio Projects
A knowledge-brokering platform used across the world in the client's offices (China, Pakistan, Germany, UK, US, and Chile), the idea is to connect clients (people who need a job done) and experts (people who have the knowledge) and the platform has a vast base of engineers
worldwide, all experts within their fields.
The platform was built using React, Node.js, MySQL (in a master-slave configuration), ElasticSearch, Redis, and had a custom Chrome plugin.
In production, three instances of the app were load-balanced to properly handle the load.
It has three different "sub-apps" - for company's employees, for clients, and for experts which were organized in a "micro-frontend" kind of way.
The app was running almost 24/7, with super short deployment downtimes, sometimes deployments were handled with no downtime whatsoever.
It used GraphQL for client-server communication.
I was leading the frontend development, rewrote and simplified their frontend implementation, fixed the redux usage patterns and introduced testing.
I've created an automated CI/CD pipeline based on GitHub actions which would run checks anddeploy the app if it passed the linting & tests.
I was also doing integrations in the backend, mostly GraphQL/client app facing ones.
I also dockerized some of the backend apps and wrote docker-compose scripts to simplify development. Developers needed to run a docker-compose up and then start their apps instead of installing and managing all the required infrastructure.