Portfolio Projects
This is a project that is amalgamation of many current social media platforms where a user can add the location with the businesses and can grow their community as well as run the personal pages as a Editor or as a Business Person.
Have implemented elastic search as a prime aspect and have added customised posts to the users based on their activity
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This is a crowdfunding project with the integration of subscriptions and payment for the projects. Here theuser will create a project for its funding, once the admin approves the project, the project will be listedand the project will be eligible with funding via STRIPE.
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Role: As a lead developer, I worked as an Ionic Developer on the project. Front-End: Angular(10) This is a listing application where we have to add functionality such as sign-up / login and listing application. We had multiple users and had to manage the roles accordingl
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Role: I worked as an Ionic Developer on the project as a lead developer in Ionic. Front-End: Angular(10) Server: Firebase This is a Health base application where I had to integrate with the BLE devices and use them to get the heart rate, elevation, and other details. Also, I have integrated the in-app purchases as well in the application.
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Role: I worked as a Full Stack Developer on the project as a lead developer. Front-End: Angular(10) Back-End: Asp.Net Server: GoDaddy and AWS This is a crowdfunding project with the integration of subscriptions and payment for the projects. Here the user will create a project for its funding, once the admin approves the project, the project will be listed and the project will be eligible with funding via STRIPE
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Role: I worked as a MERN Stack Developer on the project. Front-End: React JS Back-End: NodeJS Database: Mongo DB In this application, I was working as a MERN Stack Developer where we had to design the UI with Drag and DROP for the circuit design and the mapping of the flow on the circuit board
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Role: I worked as a Full Stack Developer on the project. Front-End: React (With Redux) Back-End: NodeJs, Nest.Js Server: AWS This was a White Labeled project having multiple projects inside it as a subdomain but all of them related to medicare projects. I had worked with various micro-services on both the front and back end with react js and node / next js based on the requirement Worked on Puppeteer JS to create a dynamic PDF file with conditions based on the HandleBar JS
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(1) Project 1 (1.5 yr)
(2) Project 2 (1 yr)
In both projects, I have managed servers and backend API for mobile Users. Have also included functionalities such as Elastic Search and Natural Language Processing With MySql (2) Project 2 (1 yr) In both projects, I have managed servers and backend API for mobile Users. Have also included functionalities such as Elastic Search and Natural Language Processing With MySql
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Role: I worked as a Full Stack Developer on the project. Front-End: Angular(11) Back-End: Asp.Net Core 3.1, MicroService Architecture Server: Nginx GitLab: Worked on CI/CD & Lerna for versioning I worked on the Dell for the Cart Module, where I was working on implementing the new Cart Design, I was working as a Key Developer for some internal applications on the CART based on the requirements and the changes needed.
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Role: I worked as a Full Stack Developer on the project as a lead developer. Front-End: Angular(10) Back-End: Asp.Net Server: GoDaddy and AWS This project was dedicated to schools, kids, and parents. Schools will register as first and then create a portal of learning by uploading AR Videos, Videos, MCQs, etc for the students, and then the students belonging to the school will be able to log in with a subscription. Also, the parent and school will be able to monitor the performance of the child. The project includes dynamic subscriptions with Schools and parents with their amount of students and related activities with Stripe
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Role: I worked as a Back End Developer and Server Manager on the project. Back-End: Asp.Net Framework Rest API Server: Amazon AWS EC2 This is a project is made of Instagram and Facebook. The project had the integrated of videos and audio. Stories and Chat were also included in the project.
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Role: I worked as a Back End Developer and Server Manager on the project. Back-End: Asp.Net Core Rest API Server: Amazon AWS EC2, LIghtShail Services Used: S3 Bucket, AWS Cloudflare, RDBMS This is a social media platform that was an amalgamation of Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram functionalities. Added many features with role management and with different posts and blogs. (1) Project 1 (1.5 yr) (2) Project 2 (1 yr) In both projects, I have managed servers and backend API for mobile Users. Have also included functionalities such as Elastic Search and Natural Language Processing With MySql
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Role: I worked as a Full Stack Developer on the project as a lead developer. Front-End: Angular(10) Back-End: Asp.Net Server: GoDaddy and AWS This is a crowdfunding project with the integration of subscriptions and payment for the projects. Here the user will create a project for its funding, once the admin approves the project, the project will be listed and the project will be eligible with funding via STRIPE
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Role: I worked as an Ionic Developer on the project as a lead developer in Ionic. Front-End: Angular(10) Server: Firebase This is a Health base application where I had to integrate with the BLE devices and use them to get the heart rate, elevation, and other details. Also, I have integrated the in-app purchases as well in the application
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Role: As a lead developer, I worked as an Ionic Developer on the project. Front-End: Angular(10) This is a listing application where we have to add functionality such as sign-up / login and listing application. We had multiple users and had to manage the roles accordingly
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