Abhishek B.

Abhishek B.

Assistant System Engineer

Amritsar , India

Experience: 1 Year


Amritsar , India

Assistant System Engineer

12011 USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date: 2022-07-12

1 Year

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About Me

Experienced ( serving notice person)Continuous learning with hard work and smart work is just my forte . I like to grow withthe challenging situations coming on my way. I try to be a valuable asset for a companyand look for there growth also ....

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Portfolio Projects


A food delivery app made for ordering di rent food itemsproviding great user-friendly experience.Future improvements- including components like grocerybuying section after taking reference from jio instamart.

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An app where a family can track there Annual and monthlyexpendituresIn this app users can add di erent expenses per month andthen can track them year-wise

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An online compiler in which every one can compile therecodes on di erent languages like (Java , Python , C, C++) andrun them .Users can like other users codes and comment on them.

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Web technology project

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