About Me
I am Software Product Developer with 4 years of experience building and maintaining responsive software product having enhanced user experience....
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Portfolio Projects
The Service manages di erent types of tasks and displays the view of tasks, task has the following details : Title, Creator, Assignee (Optional), Status, Type, Due_date, A task can be of following types with additional information apart from what is mentioned above Feature summary Impact (Low, Moderate, High) Bug Severity (P0, P1 or P2) Story Story Summary A story can have multiple SubTracks.
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This Application is developed Using core Java, This application is developed in three layers Service, Model and Driver. Service Layer Contains the business logic implementing all the services that can be requested by the user, Making use of model as a data. Model Layer, Under this layer the data is driven as a model. Driver layer is a layer which drives the application service.
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This is an Restful web service implemented as a maven project runnning on jersey implementation of jax-rs web application hosted on aparche tomcat. This application follows the MVC architecture, the URI are registered on the basis of basic method used for CRUD operations. Hibernate framework is used to connect with the database.
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