About Me
SKILLSJavascript React.js TypescriptNode.js Vue.js Google CloudC3AI Nestjs Redux/Vuex GolangOOPs GIT Docker REST APIJest Webpack GraphQL ChaijsKubernetes...
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Portfolio Projects
node.js, express.js, mongodb, react.js, jwt token, rest api, postman
November 2021 – December 2022
• QKart is an E-commerce application offering a variety of products for
customers to choose from.
• Implemented the core logic for authentication, shopping cart and
• Formulated unit and integration tests to test the implementation and
Followed a layered approach for easy maintenance.
QEats (Food Ordering App)
spring boot, react.js, mongodb, microservices, jwt token, rest api,junit
November 2021 – December 2022
• Built REST API to fetch nearby restaurants for a food ordering app.
• Developed a caching system using Redis to improve the application
• Formulated unit and integration tests to test the implementation and
Followed a layered approach for easy maintenance.