Mary W.

Mary W.

Software Developer

Decatur , United States

Experience: 1 Year


Decatur , United States

Software Developer

70000 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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About Me

Reliable software developer with previous experience in higher education and a knack for optimizing processes and analytical thinking. A passion for problem-solving and using technology to automate tasks and improve productivity led to my interest in...

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Portfolio Projects


Share is an online marketplace that allows neighbors to lend and borrow items, send messages, and leave reviews. This is a full stack application built with Java, Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Javascript, and MySQL. I worked with 3 other developers on this project and participated in the full software design lifecycle of the project from the initial planning, trello board, and database design to deployment with Digital Ocean and dokku. My primary role was working on the back-end with models and controllers for the functionality to view, add, and remove items. I used the zippopotam zipcode API to autofill the user's city and state upon registering and Spring Boot's built-in file upload to allow user's to upload their profile picture and photo of the item. I also used Spring Boot's validation annotation to validate form submissions.

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Carlister is a full-stack Craigslist/OfferUp clone with CRUD functionality. Visitors can view ads or create an account. Registered users can view ads, post an ad, update their ads, update their profile, delete an ad and delete their profile. The program uses JDBC to connect to a MySQL database. Java, Servlets, JSP, Tomcat, DAO, MySQL, JDBC, prepared statements to prevent SQL injection, JSTL to prevent cross site scripting, mobile responsive design. Developed in a group of three people.

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The text adventure game is a retro-style console game made in core Java using the Scanner Class to obtain input from the user. This was a side project done with a partner. Features: classes, subclasses, interfaces, object-oriented programming, Java, pair programming.

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A single-page application that uses RESTful API requests to display a list of movies, including the title, rating, director, actors, genre, release year, and a poster. Users can edit the title and rating and delete or add movies to the list. HTML, CSS, BOM, DOM, OMDB API, JavaScript, , JQuery, Bootstrap, pair programming.

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A single-page application that displays an eight-day weather forecast for a selected location. This was a solo project, Mapbox API, OpenWeather API, Javascript, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Ajax.

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