Habib N.

Habib N.

Software Engineer

Abuja , Nigeria

Experience: 4 Years


Abuja , Nigeria

Software Engineer

70000 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

4 Years

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About Me

I am a result oriented Full stack developer with 4 years professional hands-on experience in designing, developing, building and implementing applications and solutions using a wide range of technologies and frameworks. Throughout my career, I have b...

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Portfolio Projects


A web application created for Africans to sign up and showcase their talents, I worked on this application using Html, Css, Javascript, React Js, React hooks, Node Js framework(Express Js) and MongoDB. I worked as a full-stack developer building REST/RESTful APIs with Express Js

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  • A web application written in Django Framework to manage, record routine activities of the power plant

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  • Web application to conduct examinations for students.
  • Automatically grade student, once test is completed.

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A web application used to manage daily routine activities and maintenance of a power plant, it consists of a dashboard that displays metrics of power generated and exported, amount of gas consumed and other features. I worked on this application alone using Python, Django framework, HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap Jquery and MySQL database. HTML and CSS was used for the user interface, Bootstrap aided in responsive design with media query in CSS as well, Jquery was used to interact with the backend without reloading the entire page, MySQL, a relational database management system to store data, Django a python web framework for rapid development.

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A desktop software written in Python programming language and Tkinter for the GUI, this software can be trained to recognize an Individual using Eigenfaces algorithm by inputting the name at the start of the program and capturing the individuals face severally and saving it in a folder, during the recognition face, compares the faces and matched faces are recognized and the names displayed alongside. I worked alone on this project, I had some challenges understanding the Eigenface algorithm, but eventually overcame them.

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PricesNG is a startup food logistics company that aims to ease the burden of food acquisition or purchase off the shoulders of the Nigerian Citizen. Im working as a full-stack developer with a team on this project, I created reusable components using React Js, React hooks, Redux has been used for state management, Express Js, the popular Node Js framework for building the REST/RESTful APIs, MongoDB for storing the application data and Git as version control.

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