About Me
- Graduate with PGDCA(A level) and PGDM – IT from symbiosis(SCDL).
- Carry overall of 10 years of experience in which 3 years in S4 Hana, 10 yrs in SAP ABAP .4 full life cycle implementations and 2 support proje...
- Presently associated with RP-SG Retail as a Lead ABAP and HANA for their two business initiatives.
- The major companies which I have worked are CAPGEMINI India Pvt.Ltd and RP-SG Group (Spencer’s Retail Ltd, Guiltfree Industries Ltd., Au Bain Pain , Spencers.in online Chanel.)
- A project planner with expertise in spearheading numerous projects and ensuring delivery of projects within the time parameters.
- Domain experience - Comprehensive business knowledge in Core Retail, Omni channel Retail ,Oil & natural Gas , FMCG, and HR.
- An effective communicator with excellent relationship building, interpersonal skills and skills in project and people management.
- Project Charter Development , Preliminary scope document creation controlling the project.
- Scope management , Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) creation (template /manual).
- Scope verification related document (Reviews , inspection , walkthrough)
- Idea on Software measurement and estimation include LOC based estimation ,Three point estimate , function point estimate , Feature point estimation , Object Point estimation ,Delphi technique estimate.
- Idea on various type of project scheduling, Costing , pricing and estimating cost.
- Idea of preparing budget of the project.
- Idea on various type of reporting ,cost control reporting , progress reporting, Activity completion reporting .
- Idea of Earn value Management(EVM) tools for performance analysis .
- Working idea on project management activity .
Portfolio Projects
- Participated in all phases of the process including Analysis, Design and support.
- Participated in project management activities including scheduling the testing and release phases.
- Coordinating with Client for accommodating the changes in requirement.
- View (analytic and calculation)Creation and Deploy through ABAP/BW 4hana.
- CDS View Creation and Deploy through Dashboard /Lumira/Analytic Excel .
- Custom Business implementation through Module pool .
- Custom Print through Smartforms .
Enhancement to meet Business requirement as per expectation .
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- Participated in all development and new process implementation and old process reverse engineering.
- Participated in Design , development and testing up to delivery .
- Coordinating with Customer for accommodating the changes in requirement.
- Enhance IDOC for sales posting from store .
- GST Implementation.
- Reverse Logistics Process .
- Prepare GST Data for ASP portal .
- Implement Split Delivery Process .
- Enhancement of standard IDOC WPUUMS for sending customer data for pos B2B sale.
- Enhancement of standard IDOC MATMAS for purpule handheld integration.
- Custom Work process of DAD With Makers & Checker Mechanism .
- Custom MDM implementation of Master Data with makers & Checkers Mechanism.
- Implementation TI , TO process through handheld in Warehouse and store .
- Reverse logistics implementation through maker & Checkers Mechanism of GRWM , Inter store transfer , short GAD and Excess Gad Through Module pool .
- Creating web service for a function module RFC/BAPI ,SOAMANAGER configuration on ABAP SIDE.
- Integration using standard IDOCs, enhancement in IDOCs and using custom IDOCs both inbound and outbound .
- Participated in all phases of the customization process including Analysis, Design, and Coding, Testing & Debugging.
- Participated in project management activities including scheduling the development, testing and release phases.
- Coordinating with Client for accommodating the changes in requirement.
- Developed , Design , and testing of Object RTR , H2R,OTC stream .
- Interface Creation using proxy/IDOC .
- IDOC enhancement CREMDM to send additional vendor master field through PI .
- Business process implementation through attached process code in Standard IDOC .
- Module pool program.
- Smartforms development .
- Creation of HANA calculation view .
- CDS view creation and consume through ALV REPORT/Fiori apps/Gateway.
- HR interface creation for medical/leave encashment.
- Interface Employee eligibility calculation.
- Creation of Module pool (GIN , GRN ,GRWM,DAD, and many more application).
- Lot of enhancement from Purchase order(Me po change badi) , Migo enhancement , ARS Distribution logic incorporation , Store TI/TO , Gate pass to warehouse.
- IDOC enhancement to post sales idoc (OUTBOUD), send promotion idoc, material master idoc, Vendor master idoc, sales price update to pos, (INNBOUD).
- Interface (wsdl/RFc) to data integration to 3rd party software.
- Custom print through Smartforms .
- More than 60 report through ALV/SALV.
- Interface through application server file/FTP file transfer .
- Hr HR forms implementation .
- Infotype enhancement/creation .
- Time dependent Data program development(leave,accure)
- Full and final settlement.
- HR related note apply .
- Hr related report developed through LDB PNP/PNPCE.
- Entire Retail Technical implementation and technical support in the area of MM , Sales and distribution , FI,HR, Promotion ,Master Data .
- Implementation Online retail sales post and live inventory update to portal .