About Me
Passionate coder with 2+ years of experience in developing robust code in day-to-day life. Software developer in TheHRSoft Bengaluru. Ability to translate business requirements into technical solutions....
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Portfolio Projects
Working on tech-stack on Python Flask MongoDB-based project.
Build a secure system for users to create their profile and see current openings and apply to the job.
Implemented secure login and authorization module using OTP verification.
File read and write a module for document verification by user-admin.
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This CLI Application contains CRUD items with Cart addition and deletion capability. ● Each operation except the Search item requires user/admin credentials. In C-U-D methods authorized users only can do the operations. ● User/Admin can Register themself. For cart operations only Admin can add new products to the list and users can add those products to their cart. ● Admin has permission to add coupons per product as well as can modify the accessibility of the coupons per product. ● User can buy/add multiple products from the cart as well as can view the coupons available at any point of time and can apply to it but it can access only one time and can get a discount based on the final billing stage. ● For remove (DELETE) items, only Admin who added the item previously is allowed to delete, Bill generated after checkout from the cart including discounts and after applying coupon.
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In this paper, I have used various deep CNN architectures to classify high microscopic breast cancer tissue images and compare their performance based on accuracy, precision, recalls, and F1-scores. ● Even if there are a limited number of data sets I perform some techniques to overcome this problem and trained my model which uses some techniques to avoid over-fitting. ● For classification purposes we have used the LightGBM method. ● Also our model gives the best result with the minimum error rate compared to all other previously worked done. ● In this paper I had used strong preprocessing techniques on images to extract features more precisely and did various experiments to achieve the desired result, and the result I achieve gives promising results.
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This CLI Application contains CRUD items with Cart addition and deletion capability.Each operation except the Search item requires user/admin credentials. In C-U-Dmethods authorized users only can do the operations.User/Admin can Register themself. For cart operations only Admin can add new productsto the list and users can add those products to their cart.Admin has permission to add coupons per product as well as can modify theaccessibility of the coupons per product.User can buy/add multiple products from the cart as well as can view the coupons availableat any point of time and can apply to it but it can access only one time and can get a discountbased on the final billing stage.For remove (DELETE) items, only Admin who added the item previously is allowed to delete, Billgenerated after checkout from the cart including discounts and after applying coupon.
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Topic: A Comparison Based Breast Cancer High MicroscopyImage Classification Using Pre-trained Models.Description: In this paper, I have used various deep CNN architectures to classify high microscopicbreast cancer tissue images and compare their performance based on accuracy, precision, recalls,and F1-scores.Even if there are a limited number of data sets I perform some techniques to overcomethis problem and trained my model which uses some techniques to avoid over-fitting.For classification purposes we have used the LightGBM method.Also our model gives the best result with the minimum error rate compared to all other previouslyworked done.In this paper I had used strong preprocessing techniques on images to extract features moreprecisely and did various experiments to achieve the desired result, and the result I achieve givespromising results.
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