About Me
A Certified Java Professional with 9+ years of experience in developing mission-critical backend applications for Banks and Fintech.Experienced in gathering requirements, designing, implementation, research, developing high throughput, time critical,...
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Portfolio Projects
The trades executed are presented in a trade confirms document per client. This confirms are distributed through various channels to the end investor.The existing system is a COBOL based batching applications that runs on Mainframe. This project is an effort to modernize the confirms distribution system using technologies like Spring batch, event-driven Microservices, Apache Kafka etc.
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Pelican Sanctions is a fintech product that helps Bank by preventing processing of transactions involving blacklisted individuals, companies, countries.
Independently developed an enterpriseplatform messaging service responsible for ingesting data from Bank backoffices via IBM MQ and performing necessary transformation for systems in place at Pelican.ai. The services supported global transaction across IBM MQ and Oracle datasource and prevented inconsistent processsing or message loss in events of failure.
The service was implemented using Apache Camel, Java 8 and Spring framework. JBOSS Transaction manager was used as Transaction coordinator.
The service was deployed at Intesa San Paulo an Italian International Banking group.
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Developed a Spring based backend application to provide technical implementation for European Payment Council’s instant payments scheme. This scheme enables banks to process payment and deliver payments up to 15k euros in less than 10 seconds.
Pelican Fast has a strict requirement to complete processing within 6 seconds. The processing includes validations, web- service calls and database operations and auditing.
Integrated the application with network provider called SIAnet which securely exchanges messages over IBM MQ and Active MQ for Instant payment scheme. The network mandates usage of session keys which has expiration period and HMAC-256 keyed hashing for integrity checks.
Session keys mandated by SIAnet are 2048 bit and hence Java 8 Unlimited JCE was configured. 5. The application was deployed on IBM WAS server.
Pelican Fast support global transaction support. Performed performance testing and tuning to meet the 6 sec requirement.
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Developed a based REST API that enablesbusinesses in Nederlands to accept payments fromcustomers and businesses via electronic mandates.Developed endpoints to enable issuing, amending,canceling electronic mandate (SEPA direct debits).Integrated the service with Equens-WorldLine gatewayUses TLS1.3 and Digital Signatures for security. UsedJava Keystores to manage public key of the variousbanks and the APIs public-private key pair.Wrote reusable filters for authenticating API callersusing Basic Authentication.Strong AES-GCM Cipher suites were supported byupgrading to Java 8 with Unlimited Java CryptographicExtension.Documented the API specification. Changemanagement and technical support to support teams.Also developed other APIs called CollectionHub, Directdedebit API and Payment Initiation APIs.
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Developed a Spring based backend application toprovide technical implementation for EuropeanPayment Councils instant payments scheme. Thisscheme enables banks to process payment and deliverpayments up to 15k euros in less than 10 seconds.Pelican Fast has a strict requirement to completeprocessing within 6 seconds. The processing includesvalidations, web- service calls and database operationsand auditing.Integrated the application with a network provider calledSIAnet which securely exchanges messages over IBMMQ and Active MQ for Instant payment scheme. Thenetwork mandates usage of session keys which hasexpiration period and HMAC-256 keyed hashing forintegrity checks.Session keys mandated by SIAnet are 2048 bit andhence Java 8 Unlimited JCE was configured.The application was deployed on IBM WAS server.Pelican Fast support global transaction support.Performed performance testing and tuning to meet the6 sec requirement.
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Developed independently Spring based backendapplication deployable in IBM WAS. This service isused as a platform module to interface with Banksback offices over MQ.Provides Global transactions support for transactionsdistributed between MQ and Oracle database usingTransaction coordinator present in IBM WASThe core functionality was developed in Apache Camelfor writing routes between MQ to DB and DB to MQ. Theroutes were written in Camels Java DSL.The application is able to read from multiple QueueManagersThe service was also deployed in JBOSS EAP forother client requirements wherein the JBOSSstransaction manager was used for transactioncoordination.
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