Anmol A.

Anmol A.


Shahbad , India

Experience: 1 Year


Shahbad , India


26691.2 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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About Me

Student with industrious and systematic approach to learning information. Open and clear worker with disciplined execution and methodical nature. Extensive knowledge of research and software skills....

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Portfolio Projects


So it is basically a chat application where we can easily chat with other system connected on the same LAN and the decryption and encryption of messages also takes place at both the end

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Website for a restaurant where you can easily reserve your table and order food also

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It is basically a chat system in which we can easily chat with the other systems connected to the same LAN,Also Encryption and decryption of messages will take place on both the EndsTechnology: Java Swings and Java Socket Programming.

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ItisawebsiteofarestaurantnamedUrbanFoodwhichcontainsalltheinformationregardingtheirservicesand Menu, also anybody can reserve their table, just by lling in the information requiredFrontend - HTML, CSS, JavaScript,BootStrap Backend - Java Servlets Database - MYSQL

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Asystemthatisabletoperformsomeofthemajortasksinbankssuchascreatinganaccount,withdrawal,deposit, etcLanguage - C++

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It is a simple tik tac toe game build in Android, a game in which two players alternately put Xs and Os incompartments of a gure formed by two vertical lines crossing two horizontal lines and each tries to get arow of three Xs or three Os before the opponent does Technology - Java Android

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