About Me
A young, optimistic individual who seeks solace in his profession and is constantly eager to enhance his skills....
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Portfolio Projects
The AWS CDK Project was built via codepipeline for continuous delivery. A step function defined several steps including lambda functions that made API Calls, basis which further processing would be started (Including saving new driver details to dynamoDB table).
Services used: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, Step functions, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, S3
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(01/2021 - Present)
Created Tableau Dashboard to demonstrate the cost/usage of SageMaker service.
It also illustrates the total number of users and SageMaker notebook on a monthly basis.
This helps users determine how much usage and cost they are adding to their cost center on a daily/weekly/monthly basis
Tools and Technologies: Tableau, SQL Server.
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(10/2020 - Present)
Creation of docker image for ML models that needed to be moved to production as well as creating lambda functions to run them.
Identifying base docker image as well as library dependencies.
Tools and Technologies: Docker, Python, AWS Lambda Functions, Go Lang, AWS SNS.
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SageMaker Endpoint : Testing the SageMaker endpoint service and calling model from an outside AWS service (e.g. Postman).
Model Predictions to FTP Server : Built and tested binary file that saves model's prediction to an FTP Server that are ingested into Salesforce.
Tools and Technologies: Python, AWS S3, AWS SageMaker, golang, Cloudwatch logs
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