Bangalore , India

Experience: 2 Years


Bangalore , India


16014.7 USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date: 2022-04-30

2 Years

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About Me

Experienced Software Engineer with 4.4years of expertise in designing developingand implementing cutting-edge softwaresolutions. Proficient in multipleprogramming languages and technologieswith a strong commitment to deliveringhigh-quality and effici...

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Portfolio Projects


MedicluLab is platform for storing patient information as well as their track of operation ,sample status.

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Reading the mails from Gmail to the user and extracting the information from those mails.

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Django Blog tech is a project for learning django framework.

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Associate Software Engineer(Python Developer) Apr 2021 - Present
Highway Rider Application
Technology: Backend: Python (Django-Framework), Mysql Frontend: Java , Angular ,
Team Size : 2
Duration: April 2021 to November 2021
Description – Highway Rider is an android mobile application that users can
download from Google play
store. It will be a companion for the Bike Riders. It can help bike riders to plan their
bike trips
and share with friends. It will be tied up with major highway restaurants, coffee
shops, hotels
etc. It will find nearby petrol bunk, restaurant, coffee shop, hospital, hotel in your
Roles and Responsibilities:
Worked as the backend developer to design and develop REST APIs for the
application using Python 3.7.2 and Django 2.2
Actively involved in developing the methods for Create, Read, Update and Delete
(CRUD) in Active Record.
Used Subversion version control tool to coordinate team-development.

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Associate Software Engineer(Python Developer) Aug 2020 - Sep 2021
Technology: Python 3.7, Django 2.1, HTML5, CSS, MySQL, MongoDB, JavaScript,
Team Size : 6
Duration: August 2020 to September 2021
Description – Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) an apex research
organization under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India presents Homeopathic
Clinical Case Repository (HCCR) portal which is aimed at providing clinicians,
researchers, medical students etc. a user platform for entering homeopathic clinical
cases through a predefined standardized template. HCCR portal is envisaged as an
educational resource in the field of Homeopathic research which is offering a high
volume of cases in all disciplines of medical systems so that healthcare professionals,

researchers and students can easily find clinically important information on common
and rare conditions.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Involved in software development life cycle (SDLC) of tracking the requirements,
gathering, analysis, detailed design, development, system testing and user
acceptance testing.
Actively involved in developing the methods for Create, Read, Update and Delete
(CRUD) in Active Record.
Designed and developed a data management system using MongoDb. Built
application logic using Python 3.7.7 and Django 2.2
Used AJAX to modify small portions of the web pages by sending a request to the
server avoiding the need of reloading the entire web page.
Used Google API's and created visualizations such as pie charts, donut charts and
displayed in the web application.
Most of the client side validation is done using JavaScript.
Used Subversion version control tool to coordinate team-development.

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