About Me
I am a PHP Backend Developer with more than 7 years of experience using Laravel and Symfony framework, I like working with Docker, Docker-compose and I use Jenkins for CI/CD; In addition, I use Git as version control in order to improve the projec...
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Web Development
Programming Language
Operating System
Mobile Apps
Software Engineering
Portfolio Projects
Construction of internal network, for private company
Web Developer
Build the internal network and internal website based on a dynamic web using Laravel 6 as Backend and Vue.js as Frontend, in order to recreate the different animals in wildlife, a project carried out for the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the valleys Sinú and San Jorge (CVS).
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Laravel 5.8 JavaScriptCompany
Website development for real estate
Full-Stack Developer
I developed a dynamic web page using Backend Laravel 5.5 and Blade for Frontend, this was done for Inmobiliaria Medellín Properties located in the city of Medellín, Antioquia, (https://medellinproperties.com).
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PHP Laravel 5.8 MySQLCompany
Development of a management system for "Petitions, complaints and claims" for a private company
Backend Developer
I developed software to manage "Petition, Complaints, Claims and Suggestions" for a shopping center located in the city of Montería, using Laravel 6 Framework as Frontend and Backend.
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Laravel Framework PHP MySQL Rest APICompany
Application development for a restaurant located in the city of Montería Córdoba
Full-Stack Developer
I developed software for taking orders for a restaurant located in the city of Montería, using PHP 6 as Backend, and Frontend using Bootstrap 3, I made a module for printing invoices, orders, and pre-invoices, I used Laravel 6 as Backend API for connections internal.
PHP Laravel Framework MySQL Linux HTML JavaScriptCompany
Application development for sales management
Full-Stack Developer