Chima N.

Chima N.

FullStack Developer

Lagos , Nigeria

Experience: 3 Years


Lagos , Nigeria

FullStack Developer

33364 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

3 Years

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About Me

I am a Full-stack Software Developer with years of experience building and creating innovative solutions to real-world problems. I have worked on node js restful API projects with Express, NestJs, and GraphQl on the backend, and React with typescript...

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Portfolio Projects


Typescript | Nodejs

A tour API using Nodejs, Express, Typescript, Mongodb

A tour API, using Express, Typescript, MongoDB, Proper error handling, extensive security implementation: including authentication and authorization. Roles were carefully assigned to various users and then authorized to various endpoints based on the role. aggregation pipeline was effectively used, as well as pagination, sorting, and page limiting. Indexing was effectively done, to aid quick access to particular queries, including compound indexing. Various data relationships were explored, so data was embedded, as well as referenced. virtual field population, as well as pre and post save hooks, were also implemented.

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React, SASS, Grid, Flex

Build the UI of the Popular site.

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Node, express, Mongodb

An API for a job finder application. Advanced mongoose features like indexing, pagination, and special alias routes were all implemented. Proper error handling and Authentication.

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React, Context, SASS, Portals and more Used the famous Pokemon API to build an amazing UI, using a modal to show the attributes of each pokemon.

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React, Contex, Reducers, SASS

The frontend link to the A Chat application, using react with typescript, react context API was used to manage state, while SASS was used for styling. Login and user state were effectively implemented and managed. social login/signup was also implemented.

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Node, Express, Mongodb

The backend API for the One chat application was built. full user authentication was implemented. Endpoints covered all necessary, including friends, favorites, and group chat. Pusher was used to ensure real-time messaging, while socket io was used to implement video and audio calling. Cloudinary was used to save media messages on the backend and links sent to the frontend. Authentication for both Google and Facebook was effectively implemented.

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React, Firebase, Redux, Styled Components This is a Disney wonder web application built with React/Redux, Typescript, FireBase, and Styled Components. React routing was used to route between the login page, the signup, and the detail page. Styled components was used throughout for styling to ensure nested styling and avoid conflict, also to ensure reusability of Wrapper elements created. Firebase google authentication served for login and collecting user data. The movie data was also fetched from firebase storage. Redux was used to manage the state of user and movie data fetched. The userSlice and movieSlice were used to communicate with redux store. A beautiful Carousel was added to the home page using carousel slider. Lastly, the signout functionality was also implemented.

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React, Styled Components Moviezone is an application built with react and typescript. themoviezone API was used to get movie information and styled-component was used for styling.

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Vanilla Javascript, HTML, CSS, A food ordering application UI for scheduling dies and subscriptions.

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The most amazing admin dashboard, using syncfusion. It includes tables with full functionalities (sort, filter, edit, etc...), Calendar, Kanban, and Color picker among many things were implemented. Charts including pie, bar, financial, and many more were also implemented.

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Built the product page and full cart implementation on an e-commerce website. Currency toggle was also implemented, including over 85 country currencies and rates.

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Insta_world is an Instagram-like web application. allows for login, signup, follow users, like and comment on photos, profile page and details, and more. firebase for auth and file store tailwind CSS for styling Context API for state sharing in-app React Lazy loading and suspense are used for better performance, to ensure the application is loaded in chunks, on request. titles accurately changed as routing is done between pages using prop types for props checking. React memo is used to ensure unnecessary re-rendering.

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A tour API, using Express, Typescript, MongoDB, Proper error handling, extensive security implementation: including authentication and authorization. Roles were carefully assigned to various users and then authorized to various endpoints based on the role. aggregation pipeline was effectively used, as well as pagination, sorting, and page limiting. Indexing was effectively done, to aid quick access to particular queries, including compound indexing. Various data relationships were explored, so data was embedded, as well as referenced. virtual field population, as well as pre and post save hooks, were also implemented.

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