About Me
You may know the saying Iron sharpens Iron. As a consultant, I have worked with the brightest minds from top companies to the hottest startups in North America. And my one promise is that I will focus all my arsenal of knowledge and best practices on...
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Portfolio Projects
Developed Health Care Web and Mobile Apps - Mercy Health, Baptist Health South Florida, Bon Secours.
Integrated GraphQL: query, mutation, subscription
Integrated AWS Amplify, Cognito for Authentication
Integrated Firebase Analytics
Integrated EPIC, AmWell, Kyruus API
Built GraphQL server, BackGround Jobs with Sidekiq, and Redis on Ruby on
Rails Server.
Written the Unit with Rspec for Ruby on Rails
Built Restful API with Node, Express
Developed Clean Energy Social Website and converted React.js Web component to React Native Component for both iOS and Android.
React was absolutely killer in this phase. Together with Node.js as a javascript runtime environment and the rest of the backend tech stack, React significantly sped up development from a technical standpoint.
Integrated the AWS-Amplify and Cognito to React Native.
Deployed the project to GCP, Developed Could Functions
Server Side Rendering using Next.js
Migrated Next.js Web to React-Native Mobile
Developed Fully-Responsive, ReUsable UI Component in Next.js and React Native
Tracked user-interaction of FaceBook, Google Enhanced Ecommerce, Pinterest, and Outbrain using Firebase Analysis
Built Django Restful API
Live website: Aidin: Referral Management Software Dev website: Aidin Stage: Referral Management Software What I did Add the features and fix the bugs. Upgrade the React(16 -> 18) and Rails(5 -> 6) Develop the AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and S3 using Node Build Fully-Responsive and Pixel-Perfect UI components Implement Unit Tests using Rspec(Rails) and Jest(React)
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Live Website: Quantifi - Simple Loans Car Financing Dev Website: Quantifi Stage - Simple Loans Car Financing Tech Stacks RoR, Node, React, Vue, AWS, Google, Twilio, Rspec, Sidekiq, Redis, Redux, HTML, CSS, Postgres What I did Built Chat systems using Twilio. Convert the existing Rails API to Node API Integration Payment Process(Interac e-Transfer and VersaPay) Build & Integrate the Single Sign-On API Develop the AWS Lambda functions using Node Implement the Front-End from Figma design using React and Vue
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Websites: Mercy Health Bon Secours Baptist Health South Florida Mobile Apps: Baptist Health South Florida iOS app Baptist Health South Florida Android app Mercy Health Android App Mercy Health iOS app Bon Secours iOS app Bon Secours Android app Tech Stacks Node, React, React Native, Angular, Ionic, Flutter, Python, Django, AWS, Google, Redux, HTML, CSS, GraphQL, Java, Swift, Android, iOS What I did Create & Update some features and fix existing bugs on the Web. Migrated web apps to mobile apps Integrated Restful Apis (AmWell, epic, MyChart, Kyruus), Firebase push notifications, Google Map, AWS services(Amplify, Cognito, Lambda S3, DynamoDB) Implemented GraphQL-Client in React Developed ReUsable, Extendable React UI component Implemented Payment Process(Credit, Visa, Master, and Other Banks) Built Django Restful API
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Live website: Lanistar Tech Stacks Nest, Vue, AWS, Google, Twilio, Jest, Mocha, HTML, Tailwind-CSS, TypeORM, Postgres, Redis, Figma What I did Customer verification using SMS, Phone-Call, and eMail Created some end-points in Nest.js Implemented E2E Test, Unit Test in Nest.js Developed Fully-Responsive UI in Vue.js
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Live: Jenzy - The kids shoe sizing app and store Tech Stacks Django, Next, React Native, GraphQL, Contentful, AWS, Google, HTML, Tailwind-CSS, Figma, Shopify What I did Server Side Rendering using Next.js Migrated Next.js Web to React-Native Mobile Developed Fully-Responsive, ReUsable UI Component in Next.js and React Native Tracked user interaction of FaceBook, Google Enhanced E-commerce, Pinterest, and Outbrain using Firebase Analysis Built Django Restful API
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Live website: Ally Energy Tech Stacks Node, Next, Mongo, AWS, Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Figma What I did Built Node, Express, MongoDB BackEnd API Integrated AWS Lambda, S3, Cognito. RDS Integrated the Facebook, Linkedin, and Google job post-Api and tracked customer events from them
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Tech Stacks Node, React, Django, Ruby on Rails, Angular, Vue, Jest, Rspec, Mocha, Pytest What I did Covered all test cases using Unit-Test libraries(Rspec, Jest, Mocha, Karma, PyTest) for Django, RoR, Node, React, Angular, and Vue assessments Provide the result as a score Made the sample solutions for other scenarios
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Live website: Sellist Tech Stacks Ruby on Rails, Vue, Shopify, WooCommerce, eCommerce What I did Built Ruby on Rails Backend and Vue.js FrontEnd for internal users Integrated the e & Woo Commerce websites (Shopify, Quickbooks, Wix Square, BigCommerce …) Developed the Shopify private app
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