About Me
18 years of rich experience in Depository system, EquityCommodityCurrency back-office, front-office system, Document Management system (DMS), Software licensing systems with expertise in – Software requirement & business analysis Software architect...
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Portfolio Projects
application has been developed to compute various charges computed and levied by an exchange to their members based on their connection type-TCP/IP, Lease Line, VSAT etc. Application has several options to set different criteria’s of mode of connectivity based on which computation is done after which charge files are exported to members on FTP path and accordingly accounting process is done.
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Release verification application has been developed for complete tracking of releases right from its preparation to its implementation. Release guard application has been developed to provide complete protection to a release. It scans all the releases on the release path and does not allow non-authorized entity to modify the release objects once it is finalized and sent to client.
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application have been developed and are used by clients to generating Income Tax department data files having details of trade information of exchange member. Also, to generate trade historical files (month wise, quarter wise, year wise etc...) of all their members based on different criteria.
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