About Me
Extensive Knowledge of over 4 years in developing iOS apps with latest technologies. Strong knowledge of design patterns, OOPS, data structures, algorithms and iOS app development life cycle....
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Portfolio Projects
Playo is the largest community platform for all sports & fitness enthusiasts. Meet new people, book courts, join playgroups, find trainers & coaches or register for marathons, treks and other events.
My role included
- Design documentation & Unit test documentation
- App architecture design
- Developmentof the app(individually)
- Unit testing.
- Publishing app tothe App Store
- App Management and bug fixing
This app is used by vendors to manage their inventory and operations. You can also get booking alerts and generate reports.
My role included
- Design documentation & Unit test documentation
- App architecture design
- Developmentof the app(individually)
- Unit testing.
- Publishing app tothe App Store
- App Management and bug fixing
Project done forUdacity Machine Learning Foundation Nanodegree
In this project, I investigated a classic phenomenon from experimental psychology called the Stroop Effect. I created a hypothesis regarding the outcome of the task, and then performed through the task myself. I had some data collected from others who have performed the same task and then computed some statistics describing the results. Finally, I will interpretmyresults and validate the hypothesis.
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Project done forUdacity Machine Learning Foundation Nanodegree
Inthis project, I have evaluatedthe performance and predictive power of a model that has been trained and tested on data collected from homes in suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts.The dataset for this project originates from theUCI Machine Learning Repository. I trained my model based on this dataset and then used this model to predict prices of homes based on client's requirements.
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Project done forUdacity Machine Learning Foundation Nanodegree
In this project,I have used theNo-show appointments dataset, to train my model and predict no-shows for various patients. The prediction is based on various features in the dataset like age of patient, day of appointment (day of week), handicapped, prior sms received, type of disease, etc.
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In this project, I worked as the sole developer to implemenment thsi feature in ASR-901 and ASR-903 series routers. This feature enable the router to download setup configurations over the network without any skilled person being physically present at the device location.
My role included
- Requirements documentation
- Design & Unit testdocumentation
- Developmentof the feature(individually)
- Unit testing.
- Bug fixing prior to release
In this project, I worked as the sole developer to implemenment thsi feature in ASR-901 and ASR-903 series routers. This feature enable the router to download setup configurations over the network without any skilled person being physically present at the device location.
My role included
- Requirements documentation
- Design & Unit testdocumentation
- Developmentof the feature(individually)
- Unit testing.
- Bug fixing prior to release
In this project, I worked on developing a feature that will combine individual routers interfacesinto a group to provide increased bandwidth and redundancy. Individual interfaces are associated to a virtual port, which enables us to increase bandwidth.Port channeling also helps in balancingtraffic across these physical interfaces.
My role included
- Requirements documentation
- Design & Unit testdocumentation
- Developmentof the feature(individually)
- Unit testing.
- Bug fixing prior to release
In this project, i worked on developing a dashboard for the HPM(heath and performance monitor) tool of CSM(Cisco Security Manager) software. The dashboard used to capture live data from the deployed devices(CSM installed)and plot daily, weekly, monthlygraphs based on various measurable parameters.
My role included
- Requirements documentation
- Unit testdocumentation
- Developmentof the feature(individually)
- Unit testing.