About Me
Experienced Technical Lead, Software Engineer, and Application Developer with comprehensive AS400 Development skills. Seeking opportunities to utilize domain knowledge and personal skills for professional growth....
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Portfolio Projects
Scope: It's an ongoing maintenance and enhancement project. Infinium is an ERP application which makes use of both a JAVA based front end and a 5250 AS400 emulator based interface where the business logic is build using the AS400 based back end platform. It undergoes periodic release updates. This application is used by clients using the Infinium as their ERP tool.
Responsibility: The primary responsibility is to analyse the requirements and come up with an understanding that would focus on which underlying programs need to be changed. Then implementing and unit testing those changes. After implementation, Functional Testing is performed to verify that the application is behaving as expected. I had to verify the RPGILE codes and debug them to test their functionality.
In addition to the above responsibility I am also in charge maintenance of an in-house tool called WEBTOP. WEBTOP is an application consisting of RPG, CL, JSP, SERVLET, HTML, XML components which replicated the back-end display files to a front-end HTML format for the modern browser interface in Realtime.
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Scope: It's an ongoing maintenance and enhancement project. CARM is the application which makes use of a JAVA based front end and an AS400 based back end. I undergo monthly release-based changes. This application is used by Relationship Managers to evaluate the credit worthiness of the applicant asking for a credit.
Responsibility: The primary responsibility is to analyse the requirements and come up with an understanding that would focus on which underlying programs need to be changed. Then implementing and unit testing those changes. After implementation, Functional Testing is performed to verify that the application is behaving as expected. I had to verify the COBOL codes and debug them to test their functionality.
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Scope: Client has started this initiative to introduce the Predictive Modelling (PM) rating algorithm for Personal Auto Policy (PAP) and Generalized Linear Modelling for Homeowners Policy (HOP). This effort includes huge changes of ISO Rate File change File Maintenance (Master File) and change in Rating Program on WINS insurance platform.
Responsibility: The primary responsibility was to analyse the requirements and came up with an understanding document. That would focus what Rating Files and Rating Program need to be changed. Then implementing and unit testing those changes. After implementation, I had performed the Functional Testing to verify whether the premiums were getting calculated in correct manner. I had to verify the RPG/COBOL codes and debug them to test their functionality
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Scope:The goal of this project is the conversion of the Declaration Pages for Workers Comp policies which are in the WINS environment to PDF format for the easy access of the declaration pages by the client.
Responsibility:Read through the specifications, understanding the application flow. Analysis of requirement and preparing the documents. Analysing and Testing.
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