About Me
My self Mihir Patel, I have completed Master in Science of Information Technology, I am Dedicated towards my work and determination towards it, Have different opportunities but try to find better suitable and work profile, Always try to Grab new tech...
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Portfolio Projects
H1- Hospitality, Parking and golf course reservation facility, Leasing,Open Theatre food facilityincluding in this software.
This software works on any device like its A PWA so work on any browser and Devices.
Project is in the USA right now on initial based,
Parking spots selling,
Restaurant & Resort ordering service,
Golf course booking and serving food on spot,
Leasing with digital signature verification.
Different kind of Payment gateways,
AWS, Lambda services, Cognito Authentication, Cloud 9, IONIC4+, Angular 8+, Node 10+
CMS, POS and H1-Admin applications to maintain for staff, customers and Admin location creator.
Cheddar-application has a very clear vision that the small and big enterprise comes along and make business, this app as many features for the reliability for the store persons, it has many users now, functionality wise it has many features like camera, pdfViewver, mailing facility, pin, unpin and many more. It works on both platform Android and IOS.
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GeoTol has different functionality as compared to other applications, it is made for the especially for those who are attached with fastening formulas, there is 2 calculation facility provided by us, and pdf files and its own viewer, no need to install other apps for viewer pdf. In-app purchase is the main functionality of the application. We have implemented, angular PDF viewer
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