About Me
Hi All,
I am THEYVA K and working as a UI Lead in repiuted company. I'm insterested to take up new interesting project and my skillstes are node.js, mongodb,express.js and with related UI stuffs . Kindly help me to get a related proj...
Thanks and regards
Theyva K
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Portfolio Projects
A chat application was developed by using web socket method in node.js with features of single and group chat. Client-Server communication is established by using web socket layer.
Developed one & one and group chat module, server side functionalists, database integration, client side functionalists and separate chat history.
Planning and conducting cross-browser usability testing.
Conducted Manual Testing and debugging.
Tools/Technologies- Php, Node.js, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, metro-bootstrap, MySQL
This is our web application reporting system for monitor incoming, outgoing and missed calls process through phone bridge dialer application and direct ell-asterisk box.
This system will capture all the calls process, call duration and details with every second load along with fast data collection.
Developed the features to retrieve the call process details from couple of database and make it a proper time sorting record for reports.
Developed the pages for live-monitor by using JSF/Rich Faces pages.
Designed dashboard for showing missed call details and enable user to make-call from dashboard.
Worked on bug fixing and enhancements on change requests.
Tools/Technologies- JSF, JAVA, MongoDB
This is a centralized responsive web application for monitor the day to day activities happened in inventory management system that was implemented in various location across Tamil Nadu.
Developed sales live monitoring system by using php web socket.
Involved Database migration processes with MSSQL and MySql database. Developed various set of reports like stock, sales, purchase, invoice, purchase order etc., with php and mysql PDO.
Created and deployed web pages using html5 and bootstrap css.
Developed cumulative and isolated reports for 43 units and 6 masters canteens inventory application.
Doing manual testing to ensure the accuracy of reports for all units and masters canteen.
Worked on bug fixing and enhancements on change requests.
Tools/Technologies-PHP, MySQL PDO, HTML5, Bootstrap.