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Hi Sir/Madam,
My name is Bhola Kumar.i have completed my bachelor degree in information technology branch from the oriental college of technology. I have very good knowledge of Python programming languages and Djang...
Yours Truly,
Bhola Kumar
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Portfolio Projects
The project Online Hotel Management System is a web-based application that allows the Hotel Manager & Owner to handle all hotel activities online easily and safely. Using Interactive GUI anyone can easily learn to use the complete system.
Using this Hotel Manager doesn’t have to sit and manage the entire activities on paper. And at the same time Owner of the Hotel will feel comfortable to keep a check on Hotel easily from anywhere around the world.
This System will give them power and flexibility to manage the entire system from a single online portal. Hotel Management System provides room booking, staff management and bill generation features.
The system will be so simple and attractive which will make the customer comfortable to use and choose their ideal room. The system allows the Owner to check the Progress of the hotel from interactive Graphs and he will be notified of each new change made in System.
The system allows the manager to keep track of available rooms in the system and even maintain staff details like their hours worked and salary.
Customers can view and book an available room online and the system will automatically generate the bill according to the number of days the type of room is booked.
There are several modules required to complete this system. Here we are discussing the main modules or core modules of the system.
Owner Profile:
In the Owner profile, he has full access to the system.he has the authority to change the Cost of Room, Room Availability, Service Details and much more.
He can also check the details of receptionist and staff member currently working at that Hotel. He will get the notification of all the changes made by the Manager in the system.
He will also have special permission to revert those changes if needed. He can also check the transactions made through the day and thought the month and an algorithm will check the progress the Hotel is making.
Manager Profile:
Manager profile can have partial access to the System. The manager can view the availability and can change the cost of room and other service details. He will also have a special interface where he can manage the staff of the hotel.
He can add new people and he can also remove anyone from the system. And at the same time Owner will receive the notification of these changes.
Customer Profile:
In Customer profile, people can check the availability of rooms and they can also book a room according to their budget and need. Customer profile contains their name, Contact details, address, and other necessary details etc.
They need to sign-up for booking the hotel, which will make them as well as the manager of the hotel to easily interact with each other. They can pay the amount Online and if they need to do payment Offline they must give some advance amount to confirm their room.
Receptionist Profile:
In Receptionist Profile, who so ever is the Receptionist he must log-in and then he can book the hotel for the customer and this will serve the customer as offline mode.
When he will log-in his attendance will be taken and it will be easy for Manager and Owner to monitor them. Here they will also get a notification of booked room so that they can beforehand maintain the room.
Staff Profile:
In the staff profile, there will be complete details of each staff of the hotel like their personal details and their post at the hotel. They can easily give their attendance to the receptionist and that attendance details will be visible in Real-time to Manager.
The customer can easily search their Room from the various option available. This all will be so user-friendly so that Customer will not find any trouble in the booking room.
Once the room is searched and the customer finds his choice room then this module helps the customer to book the room by following the rules of the Hotel like Check-in and check-out time of the Hotel, Limit of people per room etc.
If everything is done properly he will be asked to pay partial or complete money. And then he will be forwarded to Payment Gateway. Where he can easily pay Online.
Payment Details:
After filling the booking details clients need to pay the money using different options available like cash/net banking/ATM card. Payment portal would use a payment gateway to clear payment.
Once payment will clear receipt of payment will be generated automatically and this receipt will be sent to manager and Receptionist will get the notification to make the room ready before they arrive.
Add / update / delete Hotel Members / Booking Details:
Owner and Manager can easily add, update, or delete the Staff details. If the customer does not reach the hotel within 3hr of check-in time and if he does not give any prior details of this arrival then the receptionist will have complete authority to remove his booking and allow another customer that room if needed.
User authentication according to his/her role:
This portal will take care of every profile in our system. No user will be allowed to use our system without a valid ID. Every profile must authenticate using system procedure. This would ensure the security of our system.
This complete System run on the simple Interface was there are only three users i.e. Owner, Manager, and Customers.
The case of Customers of Online Hotel Management System:
The customer can view the Availability of Room in the Hotel. If he wishes to book he has to sign-up by providing his contact details and then a user ID will be generated using this he can securely enter the System and then he can book and Pay Online with full security.
He can also change his check-in time and check-out time if possible. He can also cancel the booking if he doesn’t wish to visit.
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