About Me
Data Engineer at Pi investimentos 2018-currentResponsible to architect and build a data lake to store all data necessary for business purpose.Act as a data engineer as well as develop data science solutions for the success of the company.Worked with ...
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Portfolio Projects
Full stack web developer on a web system that stores all data collected in Pontal do Paranapanemaregarding labor law related to workers health.Ability to create a complex scalable web system that stores many types of data including audio,maps and transcriptions.Support all members in the project providing technical skills.Technologies used are PHP (CodeIgniter) for web system and MySQL for database system.
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Full stack web developer on a web system used by the Brazilian government, the purpose of whichis to manage courses offered by the government and held throughout the country.Ability to deal with big data from government and create scalable systems for this data.Technologies used are PHP (CodeIgniter) for the web system and MySQL for the database system.
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Sentimental Analysis on films using supervised Machine Learning techniques 2017-2018
• Sentiment Analysis on Twitter and Netflix applying the following algorithms: Naive Bayes, Support
Vector Machine and Random Forest
• Natural Language Processing using NLTK (Python)
• Sentimental Analysis using sci-kit learn (Python)
Mapping and analysis of sugarcane territory. 2014-2018
• Full stack web developer on a web system that stores all data collected in Pontal do Paranapanema
regarding labor law related to worker’s health.
• Ability to create a complex scalable web system that stores many types of data including audio,
maps and transcriptions.
• Support all members in the project providing technical skills.
• Technologies used are PHP (CodeIgniter) for web system and MySQL for database system.
The National Education Program on Agrarian Reform (PRONERA) 2014-2015
• Full stack web developer on a web system used by the Brazilian government, the purpose of which
is to manage courses offered by the government and held throughout the country.
• Ability to deal with big data from government and create scalable systems for this data.
• Technologies used are PHP (CodeIgniter) for the web system and MySQL for the database system.