About Me
• 4.1 Year of Experience as SuiteCloud Developer(Oracle NetSuite).
• Skills: NetSuite , Suite Script 1.0, Suite Script 2.0 ,SuiteFlow, Web Services ,Token Based Authentication, HTML, XML, JavaScript
1.Integration of Oracle NetSuit...
Portfolio Projects
one scheduled script is developed to create 32 slot records for each technician this scheduled script run daily basis.
- user select appointment date based on date in background we check whether the technician is free for the same or not and based on that slot is shown in green colour if slot is not free then slot is shown in red colour
-after that on case and order booking record I created "Booking " button call centre agent click on that button then order is got book and we calculate the travel time require for technician and case handling time based on that we update the slot record.
-I use google travel time calculation integration
1. Customisation:
-done customisation on sales order and invoice records auto populated some fields.
-on the basis of line level custom field status combination body level custom field status is set.(user event script).
2. Customisation:
-on invoice record created one button "Void Invoice" on view mode after clicking on that button invoice get voided.(button is created by workflow and back-end processing is done by workflow action script).
3.PDF Designs:
-design advance PDF Layout for Invoice Record and credit memo
-design standard PDF Layout for invoice Record and credit memo
1.Design Cheque PDF Layout.
2.Report Generation Development:
-design one UI where user can select from month and to month on the basis of from and to month in backed I uses more two searches for generating reports search on Transaction, search on amortizationschedule and done some comparison and find the amounts from amortisation scheduled search showed the report in form of sublist.
-design one UI where user can select from date to to date on the basis of from and to date in back-end I uses more than two searches for generating reports search on Account,Journal Entry, Item fulfilment
and done some comparisons and showed the report in sublist form and given one button if user want report in CSV file.(suitlet, client scripts)
1.Developed one UI on which user will upload the CSV File which is in pre-formatted style. Then click on the button create SO then in back-end sales orders are created and invoice are transformed from respective sales order.
2.Done the Integration NetSuite-Zendesk-NetSuite (NL Authentication):
-when contact is created/updated/deleted in netsuite same contact is created/updated /deleted in Zendesk vice versa
-when case is created/updated/deleted in netsuite same case(tickets) is created/updated/deleted in Zendesk and vice versa.
3.also done the CSV Import
1.GST Development:
-on the basis of place supply and customer location which tax is suitable for particular line item that is decided by script I use client script for the same and use one custom record tax determination record.
same script is deployed on sales order, purchase order and invoice record.
-for GST Development i design PDF Layout for Invoice GST Invoice using advance PDF Layout.
- customised GST development for Transfer Order
-I develop One custom plug-in for adding Custom GL Impacts Line On Transfer Order Record
-Design PDF Layout for Transfer Order (advance PDF Layout).
Manage Consolidated Exchange Rate:
-one custom Consolidated Exchange Rate Record structure is created.
-design one UI where user select the posting period then click on button "createCustomCER" in backed for selected posting period how many consolidated exchange rate records present that many custom consolidated Exchange Record Records are created.
-if after selection of posting period user click on button "updateStandardCER" then in back end for selected posting period how many standard records are present all get updated with custom consolidated exchange rate records details.
Job Card
Project description
Job Card Module:
Design one UI on which executive fill the details regarding device purchase date, customer name etc.
based on purchase date in back-end we calculate whether that device is in-warranty or out-off warranty then based on one estimate is created and inventory adjustment is done.
after repairing the device, we transform invoice from estimate record and do the inventory adjustment.
all development is done using suite script (user event,suitelet , client script).