About Me
A highly efficient, methodical and talented professional with total nearly 15 years of experience, comprising of:- o Six Sigma Lean and black belt certified. o Nearly 4 years experience in Software Quality Assurance. o 4½ years experience in Softwar...
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Portfolio Projects
The program was established for creating, managing and improving processes of Group IT. It includes 50 processes meant for service management, operations, system development, project execution, project mobilization and execution. Also 2 policies, 150 templates and 40 guides have been developed through this program.
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Global Logistics System is a way to create Proposal / Order for Second Time Spares from Product Database Systems as well as Warehouse Management Systems. Basically Global Logistic System is a system where we can maintain our Supply Chain Management and can take effective decision regarding the Proposal/orders. The objective of the system is to keep down Inventory Complexity, sales order cost, reduce longer transit time and any other related complexities. GLS maintains the warehouse system, vendors and all other related information to a proposal or order. This system also keep tracks for the future services that will need to provide to the customer with regards to the supplied equipment or plant.
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Transmittal System is a system for automatic/electronic distribution of documents to our external customers, vendors, partners and FLS users including site offices. This system covers project-by-project and vendor-by-vendor, with the goal of substantially reducing the amount of papers shipped out from our various sites. Transmittal system automatically and electronically distribution of documents to our - External Users, Vendors, Partners and FLS Users (including site office).
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Planning System is used to create the plan for the Contract. It comprises the organizing of data and performing the work/activities to ensure timely delivery of a Contract. Product Database, Proposal and Contract system provide necessary information for planning the Contract execution. Procurement drives the Planning system because various activities are performed in this system. The system provides:-
An overall time schedule covering the total project duration of the project.
Establish contractual time frame between FLS and the client (main contract) and between FLS and the sub-contractors (sub-contracts).
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Activities in Procurement System relate to purchasing goods, services and works. They start from contracting for an entire service and end with purchasing part lists. The procurement process does not end at the contract stage, but spans the entire life cycle of the product or service and design through the contract management. This system consists of creation of requisitions, versions, quotations and purchase orders, which goes through several stages and ends in purchasing of goods for clients.
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A contract module depicts a binding legal agreement between two or more parties to do, or refrain from doing, an act, which resulting contract is enforceable in a court of law. The system comes into operation after final approval of proposals by the client. The system picks all relevant data from Proposal system. Important components of the module are - Work Order Generation, Project Tracking, Cost Estimation, etc.
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The system is used to create, modify or terminate a project. A proposal serves as a future agreement and can be accepted or rejected by the entity or entities that receive it. It is used to:-
Þ Importing Standard Plant Structures.
Þ Utilizing existing equipment designs in the product database.
Þ Making existing proposal structure information available for copying and modifying.
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The Product Database was designed with the specific purpose of storing product, cost, plant and process information as well as generation of reports and documents. It can be considered as the core system which takes in inputs such as Plant and process information, Engineering and Cost estimating, properties of each components of the Equipment. The outputs produced by the system was used by the later developed systems like Proposals, Contracts, Parts Lists, Requisitions, Document Lists and Engineering Reports. The PDB classification structure is well arranged and logical, easy to navigate and insertion and retrieval of products has also been simplified. The essential elements of P D B product classification are Assemblies, Components and Equipments
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RBS Insurance Limited underwent two types of Audits – BS7799 and ISO. It was also preparing for CMM Level IV Certification. The system was to be used to track the different type of audits performed in the company, the clauses of each of the audits and the departments or projects being audited. It was to be used to make yearly and monthly plans for each of the type of audits and decide the auditor and audited for the same. It also tracks the actual dates of audits, audits not performed, tracking and recording of non-compliance, their closure, generating of mails for the same. The system generates graphic reports for the same.
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Finsure is a premium Financing system used by NIG to provide loans to customers via brokers, dealing in commercial and personal (Motor, Home, Travel) lines of business. Finsure system was by and large a development system however requiring lots of enhancements. Under this I worked on the following modules:
Security and History Module – The main purpose of this module was to track unauthorized access on different screens based on their Role and Role Description, provide read or write access to the user. It also was meant to track history on certain screens. EDI Transaction history module – whose purpose was to allow the users to view the progress of transactions through EDI and to view the data originally sent by the brokers and to warn the users if an agreement has transactions delayed by EDI Processing and to restrict update access to agreements sourced through EDI. For this module I created new views, made changes to few existing packages and created a view screen. FSA Module – Correction of Loan settlement process so that statements could be printed at appropriate time without manual intervention by development team. This requires fix in a package, a new shell script to print loan statements based on the print date populated by the process and a data fix to make data consistent.
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I was working with STG International.
The LACI Project was a project of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The project was carried out with the assistance of credit received from the World Bank. Under this project it was sought to assist the state of J & K, The Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar and the North Eastern states of Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, etc. to expand capacity and improve the quality and efficiency of Technician Education in these states. The system involves Budget Estimation, Estimation for Procurement of Goods and Works, Award of Contracts, Procurement of Goods and Works, Contract and Procurement Monitoring, recording of Financial Transactions, Development of Chart of Accounts, claiming reimbursement, generating books of accounts, etc.
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The project was made for migrating Churchill's batch processes onto our strategic Skills Used. The project was initiated with a light to move away to Solaris Unix Skills Used from SCO Reliant Unix whose support was going out and to increase the capacity of the batch process to cater growing business of Churchill Group. This involved a complete re-write of over 900 Pro*C program of different insurance domains to PLSQL Packages or Report Writer 6i Reports.
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