Front End developer

Chennai , India

Experience: 3 Years


Chennai , India

Front End developer

21353 USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date: 2023-02-14

3 Years

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About Me

Front End developer with 6+ years of hands-on experience in developing Web applications new enhancements and creating new APIs with coding standards. Ready to work for a responsible role with higher exposure for new technologies which gives end-to-en...

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Portfolio Projects


Developed the product for CRM and Booking application with the help of CodeIgniter PHP and Vue JS to build application
 Write SQL queries to fetch appropriate data for the application through the CodeIgniter PHP
 Implement RazorPay payment gateway for seamless payment integration for the booking platform application.
 Analysis of API calls in the back-end and reducing the code length by removing redundant code and similar functional components.

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The website is for pet lovers. Based on locations, user can search pets, pet doctors and pet clinics etc,. I worked as full stack developer. Using HTML,CSS, Angullar Js for front end and backend Slim PHP was used. All functionalities are done by me.

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This website for just show the information about the company. I designed the UI from scratch. NO TEMPLATES are used. Design is given by customer. With the help of HTML, CSS, JQuery, javascipt. I designed this beautiful website.

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This is for static website for the company Axeindia. Worked on the basic html css in this projects. Its a template, I just modified for the user based on their requirement.

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Developed E-Commerce and web applications with new features on UI in an efficient way and meeting the coding standards and client requirements
 Keeping up with Agile by continuously integrating and deploying any new enhancements or fixes in regular delivery intervals

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Maintained the present running application upon various environments by verifying and fixing major, fatal and minor bugs and issues.

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