About Me
Seeking challenging assignment as a Java architect in IT SectorGained exposure in Designing & Development and Coding of 14+ YearsHigh personal integrity, and able to relate to and create trust in all.Completed OCJP and OCWCD certification.Certified B...
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Portfolio Projects
These applications are integration point of Exigen Insurance solutions.These applications communicate over AWS resources like Queue(SQS),Topic(SNS) and Bucket(S3) to Exigen with external and internal legacyapplications. These applications are deployed in AWS Cloud using BambooCI/CD framework. It follows Microservices echo system.
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PDM stands for provider data management, this application collects datafrom medical service provider and store in the database. Before storing itcheck data uniqueness. Based on the Rules, Rule Engine process the dataand stored to the HBase. Once it is stored in HBase it will be available forconsumer to consume.
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HIE stands for Health Information Exchange. This application isresponsible to exchange health related data between Doctor, clinic andpatient as HL7 message. One part of this application receives message fromother application. One part does the required message processing and storedit to the database. One part is responsible to communicate will variousclient.
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This application is responsible to exchange health related data between Doctor, clinic and patient as HL7 message. One part of this application receives message from other application. One part does the required message processing and stored it to the database. One part is responsible to communicate will various client.
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Travelport is a leading provider of critical transaction processing solutionsto companies operating in the global travel industry. We power travel on aglobal scale by connecting buyers and sellers of travel in 160 countries,serving travel providers, travel agencies and corporations throughtraditional, online and corporate channels.
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Quadriga is a leading company in Europe and they provide ondemand video and audio in more than 3000 thousands hotels.The purpose of project as to develop a new version of theirexisting software. This software will install in LCD TV and using remotea guest can place a order for a movie or they can accessinternet service. This software is also useful to maintaining thecontents, lost-found report, customer bill payment for Hotel Staff.The movie is displayed through satellite communication namedGlobecast.
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Quadriga is a leading company in Europe and they provide ondemand video and audio in more than 3000 thousands hotels.The purpose of project as to develop a new version of theirexisting software. Hub is used to generate bill for a particular Hotel as pertheir use, again it will be communicated by other application called Genesis.Hub also responsible to supply movies based on the genesis request.
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There was a main application called 24Online, which was responsible toshare internet bandwidth to registered user and record internet uses by eachuser, and also capture user activity log for audit purpose. Billing softwarewill get all the details as XML message from 24Online application andgenerates bill which would be distributed to end users.
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There was a main application called 24Online, which was responsible toshare internet bandwidth to registered user and record internet uses by eachuser, and also capture user activity log for audit purpose. This DocketSoftware was responsible to record fault based on the user call. Andintegrate to main system to get a discount based on the downtime. Thisapplication is the communicator between customer care and systemengineers.
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