About Me
Senior professional with over 20+ years of experience in System Administration of Linux/Unix Servers and Infrastructure in diverse organizations. Exploring challenging assignments with a reputed organization. Proven ability in setting up/administerin...
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Portfolio Projects
Company: Millennium Capital Management Singapore PTE. LTD. (Internal Project)
At the time of my joining in 2008, there was no Unix infrastructure across our asia locations. As the lone linux SA in asia, I have built the entire unix infrastructure in Asia (adhering to the HQ standards). This involved setup/configuration of:
NIS Domain & NIS Servers, NFS (Netapp/IBRIX) Storage, QIP Servers, Time servers, Samba Servers, HP Chassis with passthru & Virtual Connect modules, erstwhile Infiniband Infrastructure etc.
Involved in the continued maintenance of these infrastructure as well
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Company: Millennium Capital Management Singapore PTE. LTD. (Internal Project)
Due to the nature of the business and various trading locations (countries) in asia, we often get requests to setup new sites. There are two categories of such unmanned sites: Vendor hosted (DMZ) & Company-owned (Colo). While the colo sites are relatively easier due to simpler connectiviry, the DMZ sites are complex due to the requirement to use NAT addresses. As a result, such builds are to be engineered beforehand for the prevailing build standards. Implementation involves various network connectivity/firewall related followups even before the builds can start
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Company: Wipro (Internal Project)
1. Design & Implement firewalls for the company
2. Also implement firewalls for the ODCs (off-shore development Centres) within the company 3. Screened-subnet architecture
4. Zero software cost (using free software)
5. Minimal downtime (one brick at a time approach)