Portfolio Projects
Lead DB consolidation (DevOps model) and migration (from On-Premise) towards AWS based Oracle (EC2/RDS) and later into Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. Heading CoE DB Stream. Handled Dev, UAT and Production Environments. Performed Oracle Version upgrade, Oracle Forms/Reports upgrade. Additionally Supported Oracle Designer, ERWIN data modelling for Customized Archival solution. Worked in CI/CD complete automation pipeline.
Key Accomplishments
• Devised Strategy on Data Consolidation which paved way to Migrate 8 On-Premise Oracle database’s into One and migrated into AWS – EC2 based Oracle.
• Streamlined Data issue’s faced during On-Premise to AWS EC2 migration.
- To overcome issue’s faced with the AMI rehydration and aid with the management strategy, devised steps for migration to AWS- EC2 to AWS-RDS and streamlined with Server side SQL/PLSQL scripting to suite the need.
• Developed Custom-built accelerator needed for the Phase-2 migration from AWS-RDS Oracle to Aurora PostgreSQL to speed up SQL query Porting during DB migration to PL/pgSQL format and adherence.
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Provided Support for Sourcing Matching As A Service (SMAAS) product for the CV’s generated by Aptozen ( and Rainmaker Force ( Product’s and further visualizing using Big Data Hadoop along with Cloudera, Sqoop, Flume, Tableau etc. Heavily Used Heuristic analysis etc.
AptoZen LaunchedNew Hiring as a Service (HaaS) to HelpOrganizations Bring Talent Acquisition to the Cloud
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Involved in IBM Data Stage(DS) to Pentaho Conversion. Performed Data modeller for Customizing Sales related Java based Template’s. Managed BI team.
Key Accomplishments
• During IBM DS to Pentaho migration, Successfully framed enterprise Standard’s for better implementation and ensure performance On-par with existing.
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Performed transition of EDW and BI tower’s Production environment.
Key Accomplishments
• Implemented HCL proven Asset methodology framework, Product Upgrade, tuning of Datamarts and Value addition was provided.
• Cross-trained other skills resources for the L1/L1.5 and L2 support.
• Automated L1.5 Process tightly integrated with NOC and Enterprise Wide scheduler (Cisco Tidal).
- Support for Product Upgrade and ETL with Big Data rollout
SOX Compliance Managed IT Tower’s With database’s Oracle, PeopleSoft, SQLServer etc., Lead the Transition. Moved into integrated one merck team with Service level Agreement’s. Designed, executed and managed Training & Development roadmap for HCL’s in-house CoE DB team of 50+ consultants comprising of skilled, cross-trained, fresher's etc. Conducted DBA boot Camp training's. Involved in the DB upgrade’s, PS Version upgrade and integration with Merck One Portal. Implemented RAC DB, Data Guard etc.,Value Additions were provided. Prepared SoP’s. Supported L1/L2/L3. Automated L1 tasks and implemented L1.5 with automation.
Key Accomplishments
• Involved in transition (Onsite – Offshore) and built the DBA team from scratch.
• As Lead, Involved in Lead PA-RISC architecture to HP Itanium Superdome architecture and reduced TCO in license cost.
• Worked closely with other application track’s and as part of Business Aligned IT, was part of One-Merck formation for all aspects covering integrated help desk, NOC etc.
• Defined Strategy to upgrade PS CRM Help Desk 8.8 to 8.9
• As part of “One Help Desk” Strategy, worked closely with stakeholder’s for the migration of PS CRM to Remedy.
- Supported for Reverse Merger of Schering Plough (SP) with Merck. To save TCO, Paved Way for SP DB license consolidation and grouping during merger.
Informatica ILM (Data Archival) Architect.
- Lead the ILM Dev team to archive 192+ applications in agile methodology. Post HOTS, lead the Production team.
- Involved in the Product and OS upgrade. Lead PoC with IBM Optim, Solix EDMS.
- Ensured Success for the initial Discover Phase and overcome issue’s faced with legacy data
Key Accomplishments
- Data Archival framework derived and standardised norms defined across different stream’s (reporting, front-end etc)
GUI Visualization using JasbperSoft and XML
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Lead PeopleSoft DBA/Oracle DBA for PS Finance multi country rollout. PSP2P and PST&E – Dev. to Prod rollout (End to End) with 20% customization and first rollout with RHEL platform. Involved in Production Support, Enterprise Scheduler rollout’s, PS Application upgrade, PS Tool’s upgrade.
Key Accomplishments
• Involved two module’s (T&E, P2P) end-to-end rollout from vanilla, customization and production rollout.
• Involved in the DB Consolidation and OS migration from Solaris to RHEL. PeopleSoft upgrade 8.X.
- Formulated Step’s for the rollout of SSH Key’s and SSL Key implementation.
• Retro-fitted Control-M PeopleSoft Component to suite the customer need.
- Facilitate Step’s to support for Management strategy on OS Rehosting from Solaris to RHEL Platform and POC to support for E-genera architecture.