About Me
· 8.9 years of extensive experience in software testing in manual and automated testing
· Experience in Automated Testing using Sele...
· Having good onsite experience in Singapore - coordinating with clients in Multi-Cultural Environment
· Experience in Preparation of Automated Tests in Page Object Model via Cloud devices
· Good experience in Test plan, Estimation, Execution
· Extensive experience in Manual Testing (ST & UAT)
· Worked in the functional areas of Manual Testing, iBanking Testing, Product testing
· Domain experience in Banking (Client On-Boarding, Deposits, Debt Collection, iBanking, Core banking and Retail Banking)
· Having experience in Agile and Scrum Methodology (In-Sprint Automation)
· Good exposure towards Testing Techniques and Methodologies
· Extensive experience in Browser Compatibility Testing (Windows and Mac OS)
· Good experience in recruiting and interview panel as well
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Portfolio Projects
DBS iBanking is a range of banking solutions for DBS’s Treasures and Personal banking customers. This personal banking solutions system lets customers make daily transactions, make payments, transfer funds, invest in mutual funds and pay bills, among many other benefits. iBanking also lets customers open fixed deposit accounts within minutes. Paynow has been introduced to encourage the cashless society, to transfer Singaporean dollars (SGD) using your phone number, Singapore NRIC number or a Unique Entity Number (UEN)
More than 75K ANZ bank customers including Wealth and Retail customers are migrated to DBS. The move added 1.3 million customers to DBS client list.
DBS iBanking and Mobile banking adopts Moneythor for personal finance management (PFM) capabilities enhanced with data-driven personalised, contextual and actionable recommendations, the technology vendor said.
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Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) including individuals who live outside theUnited States, to report theirfinancial accountsheld outside of the United States, and requires foreign financial institutions to report to theInternal Revenue Service(IRS) about their American clients. FATCA application contains 2 parts as Pega BPM and Forecaster web service.
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JPMC deals about the banking solution. This project consists of various modules such as Liquidity, TIDE and Portal. These three modules are integrated together to form a complete product. System testing and Regression testing is performed to the TIDE module to ensure that the functionalities under scope are working to meet the business requirements. The testing is performed based on the high-level business scenarios and data guidelines. There are three Important Functionalities as follows.
TD-Time Deposit , CD-Call Deposit and UTD-Unitized Time deposit
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