About Me
CSM/PMP certified PM with years of Project Management/PMO experience on multiple large data, mobile, and Web appl development efforts, some with extensive ETL & Data requirements. Managed multiple complex, multi-faceted development and organizational...
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Portfolio Projects
- Team had been operating without a PM for some time; worked to get them back on track with Sprint Rhythm and Planning, a Project Road Map and other industry best practices. A staff PM took over after my work was done.
- Managed daily video scrums with offshore devs & QA; used JIRA and Slack to coordinatedevelopment, testing, communications,beta testing and production version releases to Apple and Google app stores.
- Implemented new beta test program in conjunction with Product Owner, Tech Lead and Membership Team; collaborated to quickly respond to online app reviews and bug reports.
Managed & coordinated with Sanofi leads on nine distinct projects within the program, helping Sanofi transition their Medical Information organization from many disparate local processes and platforms into a truly integrated and homogenized global operation. In additional to regional document efforts, workstreams included systems, content creation and management, quality policies and procedures, call centers, and analytics.
- Worked with program director and workstream project leads in the US and Europe, coordinating the efforts of teams in those regions as well as Latin America, Japan/Pacific and Emerging Markets from Asia to Africa.
- Teamed with a Deloitte/USI analyst in India, reported to senior Sanofi management in US and Europe, and supported senior Deloitte partners and other personnel in the Organizational Change Management practice.
Tools used included Tableau for executive dashboards, Deloitte’s proprietary Project Management Center and ChangeScout products, plus extensive use of MS Project, SurveyGizmo, and the MS Office Suite.
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Managed multiple, simultaneous project teams developing mobile applications for the largest police force in the U.S. These apps provide up to the second tactical, messaging and domain awareness information for over 36,000 officers and command personnel, up through the Police Commissioner. Aggressively scheduled and developed in Xamarin for iOS (plus an additional POC project in Windows 10 UWP) using CI paradigm.
- Worked with Client, BAs, Architects, Development, UX Team & MCS PMO to redesign Windows phone apps for iOS, ensuring consistent look and feel across suite of apps and taking advantage of native iOS UI paradigms.
- Law enforcement-specific Search app uses custom UI templates to work with 80+ data sources.
- Custom messaging app uses force command structure and GPS to deliver critical messages in real time.
- Agile and Kanban used to manage backlogs, schedules, resource workloads and deliverables.
- Managed multiple daily scrums and requirements gathering meetings; produced project plans and status reports for management and users; facilitated meetings with infrastructure, QA and UX Design resources.
Developed custom and highly secure multi-factor cross-app TouchID SSO, for use by all PD apps.
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Managed workstream support for the Global Operations (GO) division of Pfizer, Inc. in their acquisition and integration of Hospira, Inc. GO is responsible for Real Estate, Facilities Management, Scheduling, Security/Access Management, and Reporting and Analytics applications and processes across the globe.
- Every application was analyzed for synergies, and workplans created for integration, data migration, and final disposition of all involved systems.
- Coordinated with analysts and technical resources across both companies both domestically and internationally; produced reports and plans in consultation with and for client management and leadership teams.
- Concurrently produced deep-dive analysis and recommendations for upgrading/replacement of both companies’ mail Package Tracking Systems, including analyzing RFPs, pricing analysis, and systems verification.
- Produced project plan and budgets (~$1M); first rollout included 28 locations across the US, UK & Brazil.