Portfolio Projects
Developed a pizza ordering web application. • Implemented features like add to cart, responsive design and session handling. • Used React useState to manage the states and useEffect hook to perform side effects in custom components. • Technologies used - ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB
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Developed a face recognition based employee attendance system. • Used HOG facial detector, 68 point shape predictor of Dlib and to classify unknown embeddings I used Linear SVM (scikit-learn). • Used OpenCV and face recognition library’s to capture and train the model and used RTSP protocol to connect IP cameras. • Developed a feature that can enable user to add multiple IP cameras. • Deployed the website on Azure instance. • Face recognition accuracy is 99.38%, in real time which reduced the attendance taking time of employees by 95% and the attendance taking time is 1 millisecond. • Technologies used - Django, Python, OpenCV, Tensorflow, SQLite
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