About Me
To build a successful career as a Technical Architect in Software Design and Development and seek a position in an organization where I can productively employ my sound technical skills and provide a promising career development....
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Portfolio Projects
fundamental pieces of information they need to keep themselves and their org.
I have developed iOS native application and design MVC architecture.
EmergencyAppisdevelopedasapartoftheUpStartSmarter TechAward2016presentedbyUpStartChallengeand EnterpriseMonkey.Emergencylocalisanessential application.Ithasthepotentialtosavemanylives,including yourlife.EmergencyLocaltakesalldataonalocallevelin onesingleapplication.Itusesyourphone’sGPStolocateall informationinyourarea.Thisappcouldsaveyourlifeor someoneelse'slife
ReactNative,ReduxPattern,googlemap,Nativefeatureof DevicelikeCalling,Scrolling,SideMenu
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Emergency App is developed as a part of the UpStart Smarter Tech Award 2016 presented by UpStart Challenge and Enterprise Monkey. Emergency Local is an essential application. It has the potential to save many lives, including your life. Emergency Local takes all data on a local level in one single application. It uses your phone's GPS to locate all information in your area. This app could save your life or someone else's life.
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There will be applications for the user, where the user will be able to search and apply for flight jobs and training courses. The system will have a feature where the user can add their documents in their profile, feature to manage calendar, and there will be a section to chat.
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