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With 10+ years of experience in the field Information Technology and with hands on experience on PHP / MySQL / Postgres / CodeIgnitor / Symfony / JavaScript / jQuery / WordPress / Drupal/ GIT / Jenkins. Good team leading skills and hanlded both Wa...
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Portfolio Projects
This is an online e-commerce site for selling blank caps,
available as mobile version also. The site lists caps
category wise. The products can be added to cart by guest
as well as registered customers. The payment on this site
is handled using chase payment. For searching the product
there is a search option available and also an advanced
search option was also available where we can narrow
down search using price range, keyword, category, color,
fabric etc. The products listed here are obtained from
Ottocap. The images for the products are managed in
AWS. Also the site is SEO friendly. The Registered users
have a My Account Section, where they can view/update
their Profile, Saved carts, Purchases, Saved Cards,
Wishlist, Address book.
This is an online e-commerce site for selling blank shirts,
available as mobile version also. The site lists
apparels/headwear category wise. The products can be
added to cart by guest as well as registered customers.
The payment on this site is handled using chase payment.
For searching the product there is a search option
available and also an advanced search option was also
available where we can narrow down search using price
range, keyword, category, color, fabric etc. The products
listed here are obtained from Sanmar. The images for the
products are managed in AWS. Also the site is SEO
friendly. The Registered users have a My Account
Section, where they can view/update their Profile, Saved
carts, Purchases, Saved Cards, Wishlist, Address book.
This is an online real estate auction site, available as
mobile version also. The site lists real estate properties in
US and other countries and available in different
languages. People can register in the site and bid for
actions. The auctions can be searched/saved according
the Region and Country and can be filtered against Land,
Commercial, Residential etc. The site displays details of
the auction such as Location (Google Map), Location
Images, Auction Date, Minimum Bid Amount (different
currencies), other statistical data, bid description, bid
related downloadable docs, property features and Bid
history, bid status, Auction representative details etc.
Registered users can manage their bidding details through
My Account facility like bids made, watch Auctions, Saved
searches etc. The actions are managed from Admin side.
This an e-commerce site for St. Mary's schools. The
customers can register in this portal. Through this portal,
the parents can order school amenities and also add
customized captions. The Registered users have a My
Account Section, where they can view/update their Profile,
Orders, Saved Cards, Address book. The site is managed
from the admin side. In the Admin side, it has the provision
for manage products, home page banners and site
contents. Also, in admin side there is provision to group
similar orders, so that orders can be placed to vendors
conveniently and can also manage the products stocks and
track processing/arrival status. Invoice generation(PDF)
can also be done on the vendor orders. Payment section is
handled using Paypal express checkout.