About Me
As a highly skilled technology lead having 8 years of experience, I am writing to express my interest at your organization. My experience aligns well, as I have worked on server side development (coding and database), client side development (UI...
Through my work experience, I have acquired the ability to work on various tools and technologies like ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, C#.NET, Python, Microservices, Docker, Container, Kong API Gateway, Zookeeper, Apache Kafka, Apache Ignite, Amazon S3, Prometheus, Grafana, GitLab, CI/CD, Web API, SignalR, Azure, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, ADO.NET, EF, LINQ to SQL, XML, MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, MongoDB, H2 DB, SSRS, Kendo UI, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, Google Maps, Mobile App(Cordova, AngularJS & Ionic), ELK Stack, GIT, SVN, TFS, VSS, HP’s UFT, OWASP ZAP Testing tool and DotnetNuke (CMS). My work experience involves right from windows forms application development to enterprise rich web and mobile applications.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Configuring Apache Zookeeper Ensemble for maintaining centralized configurations.
- Implementing Apache Kafka Cluster for streaming, messaging (pub-sub) & connect.
- Integrating Kong API Gateway with PostgreSQL DB.
- Implementing different plugins for Kong like CORS for Cross origin requests, Correlation-ID to track the request, Prometheus plugin for metrics, Rate-limiting. Developed Kong's custom plugins with lua and used server-less function.
- Working on services & routes registration, Kong Load Balancer (Ring-Balancer) for Active Health Check, Circuit Breaker & Custom health check with Mixed of both.
- Involved in writing shell script for automated deployment & infra validation while deployment via Gitlab’s CI/CD pipeline.
- Involved in testing different infra components on Sandbox & BETA’s Cloud machine (Red Hat Enterprise Linux machine) before releasing to PROD.
- Creating website, web app, windows app, windows services, mobile app, DB tools, build & deployment, team handling, etc.
- Integrated windows authentication in ASP.MVC and Kerberos access with Oracle DB.
- Creating Web API’s, encryption, decryption, encoding and decoding, authorization, logging and global error handling.
- Implemented activity authentication on database using SNOW API with approval workflow.
- Involved in integration of Prototype pattern with cloning, Repository pattern, roles and menu permissions.
- Involved in integration of dashboard, bootstrap 4 new UI, other client side frameworks and CSS for responsive design.
- Integrated Google Maps and also involved in GIS for insights and reporting.
- Implemented SignalR for real time notifications.
- Implemented GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) push notification for Android.
- Involved in creation of Add-ins while spying custom controls with HP’s UFT tool, also involved in OWASP ZAP testing.
- Implemented Microsoft Azure search, blob storage, web jobs, azure cloud deployment, etc.
- Involved in implementations with multiple databases like MS SQL, My SQL, Oracle, Sybase, H2DB, MongoDB, etc.
- Involved in DB design, ER diagram, defining schema, permissions and securities at DB object level.
- Involved in DB Migration, creating SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) reports with Drill-down.
- Writing functions, stored procedures, views, triggers, creating SQL Jobs, DB Mail.
- Involved in creating database, tables, assemblies, encryption, decryption, etc. in the SQL database.
- Involved in backup, restore, roles and permissions (at object level say grant, revoke, etc.).
- Writing dynamic SQL query for server side filtering and paged query in stored procedure.
- Implemented JSON function in database to fetch all data in JSON format and avoided multiple result set to improve the performance throughout the application.
- Comparing multiple database objects with schema and data differences to sync the objects before migration.
- Migrating local DB to remote Server and Azure cloud server.
- Debugging, tracing and reviewing execution plans, performance optimization at database objects & query level (following do's and don'ts and best practices).
- Error and transactions handling in DB objects and semantic error logging using Microsoft enterprise libraries.
- Project planning, effort estimation, assigning tasks (JIRA #, Artifact #, RITM#), managing team members & projects.
- Involved in Project build (Used Quick Build & Jenkins) and deployment for different env. (DEV, BETA, DELTA & PROD).
- Managing and tracking projects with TFS, Asana, JIRA, Team Forge & SNOW (Service Now).
- Worked on multiple tools like Visual Studio, VS Code, IntelliJ, Sublime, Webstorm, Atom, etc.
Portfolio Projects
A microservice based project, primarily developed to on-board multiple microservice applications that
is developed in .NET Core, Python & CPP. Provides a common interface for developers of PIMCO to
manage their application with automated process. It’s easy-to-use for developers like inbuilt
boilerplate code for .NET Core app, Python app, CPP app with Open API Specification and
integration with different tools like Kong as API Gateway, Zookeeper for centralized configurations,
Kafka for streaming, S3 for storage, JFrog for repository management, Ignite for caching & Oracle
DB connectivity. It provides core of Plug-And-Play feature and communication with different
microservices which facilitates the integration of complex application.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Configured Apache Zookeeper Ensemble (5 nodes) for maintaining centralized configurations.
Implemented Apache Kafka Cluster (3 nodes) for streaming, messaging (pub-sub) & connect.
Integrated Kong API Gateway with PostgreSQL DB.
Implemented different plugins for Kong like CORS for Cross origin requests, Correlation-ID to
track the request, Prometheus plugin for metrics, Rate-limiting. Developed Kong's custom
plugins with lua and used server-less function.
Worked on services & routes registration, Kong Load Balancer (Ring-Balancer) with Active
Health Check, Circuit Breaker & Custom health check with Mixed of both.
Involved in writing shell script for automated deployment & infra validation while deployment via
Gitlab’s CI/CD pipeline.
Involved in testing different infra components on Sandbox & BETA’s Cloud machine (Red Hat
Enterprise Linux machine) before releasing to PROD
CRONUS, a web based tool that is primarily a centralized and auditable database update utility.
Provides a common interface for Traders, Operations, Credit-Analytics, Portfolio-Analytics, Asset
Setup team and other teams of PIMCO to manage risk measures. It’s elegant and easy-to-use for
business (like Trade Floor) and Technical users. This tool provides tracking of every action taken by
end users on database for auditing and report generation purposes, also provides facility for
Sybase/Oracle database with commit /rollback, approval workflow and auditing features. Provides
core of Plug-And-Play feature with different servers which facilitates in the integration of complex
tools and prepares data to display.
Integrated windows authentication in ASP.MVC and Kerberos access with Oracle DB.
Implemented Prototype pattern with cloning.
Implemented activity authentication on database using SNOW API with approval workflow.
Creating API’s, encryption, decryption, encoding and decoding.
Implemented authorization, logging and global error handling.
Implemented bootstrap 4 new UI, other client side libraries and CSS for responsive design.
Involved in integrating dashboard, role permissions, and menu permissions.
Integrated Google Maps to show the location (US, India, etc) and device based insights.
Worked on DB Design, tables, stored procedures, sequence and triggers in the Sybase andOracle database.
Project planning, effort estimation, managing team members, assigning tasks (JIRA, Artifact).
Project build (Used Quick Build) and deployment at DEV, BETA, DELTA and PROD Server.
Managing and tracking project’s with JIRA, Team Forge & SNOW (Service Now).
ICOIN Market, a web application for cryptocurrency trading and investment. This new tool offers
automated cryptocurrency trading solutions for individuals and business. This tool has different
modules like Dashboard, Leader board, My Team (Genealogy, Frontline…etc.), Team
Communications (Send Message, Inbox, Sent), Marketing Tools (Banners, Referrals), Portfolio
Manager, Supports, etc. All modules are designed to manage the data based on roles (Sponsor and
Integrated JWT token, facebook and google authentication.
Creating replica set with primary and secondary node of Mongo DB for load balancing and
performance improvement.
Implemented different frameworks, like encryption and decryption framework(both at client
and server side), co, neo4j as graph db.
Creating API’s, encoding-decoding, encryption-decryption both at client and server side.
Implementing bootstrap, other client side libraries and CSS for responsive design.
Involved in integrating dashboard, portfolio manager, marketing tools, market price data, charts,
email notifications and signup notifications using socket.io.
Integrated Google Maps to show the insights of user’s login, page hits on heat map,etc.
Integrated Google’s reCAPTCHA v3 to provide additional securities against spam and other
types of automated abuse.
Project planning, effort estimation, assigning tasks and managing team members.
Project build and deployment at DEV, QA and PROD Server
Managing and tracking project’s on Asana.
MIS, a web application which facilitates organizing and managing people, technologies, information
and business process within an organization. This tool has different modules and each module is
itself describing like Dashboard, Timesheet management, LMS (Leave Management System), SAS
(Seat Allocation System), PMS (Performance Management System), User and Role Permissions,
Widget management, Attendance Tracking, Project Management, Team & Shift Management, Assets
Allocation & Tracking, Knowledge Base, Employee Directory, Reports, Administrations, Forms and
Policy Management, Feedback module, etc. All modules are designed to manage the data based on
roles (Super Admin, MIS Admin, Manager, HR, User and Trainee).
Integrated token based authentication (Bearer) with sliding time expiration in MVC API.
Implemented SignalR for real time notifications.
Implemented DI and Unity Of Work with repository pattern.
Creating API’s, encryption, decryption, encoding and decoding.
Created custom MVC filters for Authentication, authorization, logging and global error handling.
Implementing bootstrap, jQuery Treeview, other client side libraries and CSS for responsivedesign.
Involved in integrating dashboard, role permissions, widgets permission, menu delegations,
PMS, SAS, windows services, mjml email template, report and calendar integration.
Mebibyte OCR is a windows application for optical character recognition. It takes input as scanned
invoice image and recognizes all the characters with custom stretchable zones and extracts the
images to text. Extracted texts are used for exporting data into excel sheet. Implemented Lead Tools
for OCR and custom stretchable zones.
UI Designing and coding.
Implemented Lead tools for OCR.
Applying Security and key expiration features
Used NPOI for Excel accessing.
Used SKGL for Key expiration and locking.
Setup and deployment.
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Care Management is a web based solution for health care organizations to leverage data to obtain
actionable information that can be used to improve the health and wellness of patients in the most
cost effective manner. Here we are tracking all the required information of patients. Have different
modules tasks, goals, diagnosis, patients review history and assessment.
UI Designing
Applying Security, Authentication and Authorization.
Kendo controls implementation for look and feel.
Implemented ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) to visualize IIS Logs in the dashboard.
Implemented Semantic Logging for different layers(Web, Business, Data, Domain, Services)
using Enterprise Library to sync the error.
Implemented LINQ to SQL, T4 Template, Created SP’s
Writing dynamic SQL query for server side filtering.
Deployment to local and Azure cloud server.
IIS Management for deployment and ARR (application request routing).
PQRS/GPRO (Group Practice Reporting Option) is a web based solution for health care
organizations to leverage data to obtain actionable information that can be used to improve the
health and wellness of patients in the most cost effective manner. Here we are tracking all the
required information of patients for different measures (say CARE, CAD, DM, HF, HTN, IVD, and
PREVENTION) and sub measures. Physicians are using this application in health cares.
UI Designing
Applying Security, Authentication and Authorization.
Rendering all types of controls (defined in database) dynamically.
Kendo controls implementation for look and feel.
Implemented Semantic Logging for different layers(Web, Business, Data, Domain, Services)
using Enterprise Library to sync the error.
Implemented LINQ to SQL, T4 Template, Created SP’s
Writing dynamic SQL query for server side filtering.
Deployment to local server, Azure cloud server and Amazon server.
Performance appraisal tool is a web-based application for the assessment of individual’s
performance in a systematic way. It is a developmental tool used for all round development of the
employee and the organization. It manages user goals, performance reviews, 360 degree feedback,
recognitions and compensation for the employees. To analyse the performance there is rating
system, which requires the rater (HR, Skip Manager, Manager and employee) to rate his
subordinates or self on overall performance. To rate there are different controls (say Textbox, Rating
controls, Dropdown, etc) that binds dynamically.
Worked on Email template, Dashboard, Questionnaire and Appraisal Module.
Implementing bootstrap controls and functionality for the assigned module.
Implemented step wise form with semantic UI.
Generating controls dynamically (control types defined in DB table)
Applying custom unobtrusive validation for dynamically added controls in multiple partial views.
Implemented Entity Framework
Smart Value is a Large web application for multi level marketing (MLM) having different area’s Smart
Shoppe, ERP, CRM and Smart Office in one application. Each area is itself describing. Smart
Shoppe is used for selling Smart Value products and tracking sales, inventory, and payments. ERP
manages all the business of Smart Value say purchase orders, sale orders, goods received, stock
transfer, payroll etc. CRM is made for managing Smart Value's interactions with current and future
customers and associates. Here technical support team provides online customer service. Smart
Office enables the Customers and Associates to track their own and down line member’s sale and
other details.
Designing layout for different areas, creating Registration Module, Role Permissions,
Performance optimization, creating reports using SSRS 2008 R2 and its integration.
Applying Security and Restrictions for different Area’s using custom Authorization Filter.
Applying Dynamic Page Redirect based on Area, Role, Department, and Designation using
custom Action Filter.
Worked on multiple modules of Smart Value say CRM, ERP, Shoppe and Smart Office.
Creating Views, SP’s, Jobs, Database Mail, Customizing Roles & Permissions in SQL Server
Writing Dynamic SQL Query for SSRS Reports & Data Migrating from MySql to SQL Server
using Linked Server.
TIBU is a web application for Patient management system. It maintains the information as well as
patient monitoring and tracking for various diseases like Leprosy, Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
from the grassroots level in Kenya. Also provides accurate auto generation of reports, real-time
reporting and mobile payments.
Creating view, stored procedures and functions for the report
Involved in creating reports using SSRS 2008 R2 and its integration.
Involved in coding for Web Forms and creating Web Services.
Created GIS (Geographical Information System) Reports using Google Maps.
Created complete dashboard for the website.