Smita H.

Smita H.

Software Developer

Margao , India

Experience: 3 Years


Margao , India

Software Developer

USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date:

3 Years

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About Me

I am a Software Developer working in an IT Company with an experience of 3+ years. I have working knowledge on Ionic framework, Angular 4, PHP, with Symfony framework, HTML, CSS,. I have also worked on projects using Ruby on rails, MySQL, Bootstrap, ...

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Portfolio Projects


    1. Description

Hurt app is used whenever a person is hurt, he can use the app to communicate with a doctor. The patient can report an injury, which will have all the details including uploading of the image of the injury. The report will then be linked to the concerned doctor. Also the doctor can create his own team with team members like PA, therapist. This would help him handle the patients efficiently.

My Role:

  • Built applications for android iOS platform using hybrid technology. Also designed few parts of the app using HTML/CSS.
  • Independently implemented majority of the tasks in the applications.
  • Worked on graphql queries to fetch data from the AWS Dynamo DB
  • Ensured quality, performance and responsiveness of the app
  • Collaborated with the team to define, design and ship new features
  • Identify and correct the bottlenecks and fix bugs
  • Maintained code quality and optimisation
  • Frequently communicated with the client to get all the requirements

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Brief Description

GETHIGHLIGHTED app basically carries out a video interview of high school students where they as players can showcase their unique personality. First, the player creates or updates their profile on the highlight-u website. Once the profile is created or updated a 6-digit invite code(e.g. ABC123) will be generated.

The player will login into the app by entering the invite-code in the text boxes on the invite screen. Once the login is successful the player has to take one photo and record 5 videos. These videos will be combined later to form a final video. The completed final video uploads directly into the players certified profile. The coaches then get to know the players during the recruitment process.

Role for the above two projects:

  • Built a RESTFul API for mobile apps, and integrated commands for the cron which run every minute on the server, while using Amazon S3 Service as a file storage.
  • Used FTP(File transfer Protocol) as well as GITHub for effective transfer files on the staging server
  • Implemented the new features and provided suitable solutions for fixing the bugs in the application.
  • Troubleshooting issues and errors in applications under development where I have worked with someone's code and provide suitable solutions for issues based on the understanding of the system, client business processes, and compliance with the development standards.
  • Implemented email templates using HTML, CSS for the front end team.

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Handled all the backend of the mobile app. Implemented REST APIs for the server side functioning of the app.

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Responsible for implementing the front end using Angular 4

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